Sentences with phrase «annual veterinary care»

Annual veterinary care for one pet is about $ 250 (fees vary by a pet's individual needs and the veterinary care provider).
However the cost for routine annual veterinary care or addressing minor issues becomes significant if a department has several service dogs.
Those dogs must receive annual veterinary care and provide proof to the Ontario SPCA of such care.
She receives a monthly supply of dog food for them, as well as annual veterinary care through the TVMF PALS program.
The NHSPCA strongly recommends that your pet receive regular annual veterinary care and any other vaccines deemed appropriate for your pet's lifestyle by your veterinarian.
Annual veterinary care is crucial because a lot can happen in a «cat year».
«The Licensed Breeders Act establishes very basic standards for breeders in Texas — humane housing, annual veterinary care, and daily exercise to name a few,» said Yolanda Eisenstein, president for THLN.
Annual veterinary care is crucial to keeping your pet happy and healthy.
«The Licensed Breeders Act establishes very basic standards for breeders in Texas - humane housing, annual veterinary care, and daily exercise to name a few,» said Cile Holloway, president for THLN.
The good news is, it is preventable with a combination of home dental care and annual veterinary care.
Annual veterinary care is crucial to keeping your cat happy and healthy.
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