Sentences with phrase «anonymity of transactions»

Traders positively perceived reports that Monero, whose main feature consists in a higher level of anonymity of transactions, will soon begin to bargain at the South Korean cryptoexchange Bithumb.
Like Zcash, Monero focuses on anonymity of transactions in the blockchain.
Combine this with the inherent anonymity of transactions, and you have an ideal medium of exchange for nefarious purposes.
The reason was the tweet of John McAfee, who recommended this cryptocurrency to his subscribers, saying that coins with the highest level of anonymity of transactions have a great future.
Like the August 1 clarification, today's announcement cautions that token offerings are prone to illegal activity, like money laundering, due to the anonymity of transactions and the ease with which funds can be raised quickly.
Downloading saucy stories is becoming increasingly popular with women as the anonymity of the transaction means they are spared the blushes of having to buy a naughty book in stores.
It's main difference is anonymity of transactions.
The anonymity of the transaction is a problem I think which would put pressure on Bitcoin.»
Funds invested into investment schemes involving digital tokens are prone to being misused for illegal activities due to the anonymity of transactions, and the ease with which large sums of monies may be raised in a short period of time.
The blockchain ensures the anonymity of every transaction, so tracing a single purchase back to the purchaser can be very difficult if not impossible.
«Other cryptocurrencies, such as Monero, have far surpassed Bitcoin in terms of privacy and anonymity of transactions, which is an important consideration for cyber criminals exploiting devices for cryptocurrency mining operations,» said Goody.
North Korea has been trying to benefit from the opportunities cryptocurrencies offer, in terms of freedom and anonymity of transactions.
As a result, several alternative cryptocurrencies have been developed with the focus on enhancing the protection of the privacy and anonymity of transactions.
Another major advantage of using LitePay over traditional payment services is the anonymity of the transactions themselves.
According to representatives of Ukraine's National Bank, Security Service and National Police — the absence of control and the anonymity of transactions create conditions for laundering money acquired through criminal activities.
All these measures are supposed to eliminate the principal feature of cryptocurrency that Russian authorities have been critical about, namely, the anonymity of transactions.
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