Sentences with phrase «anonymous person concerned»

«We can not comment on... articles which are mainly comprised of information that the reporters allegedly obtained from an «an anonymous person concerned» as well as the reporters» opinions and speculations based upon such information,» Nintendo told the E-Commerce Times in a statement provided by company spokesperson Ashton Shurson.

Not exact matches

And groups like Startups Anonymous help people share their stories and concerns.
It is a very different account of burial from what might have been given if a group of anonymous Jews had been concerned simply to throw the body of Jesus (and perhaps those of the two thieves also) into the grave or tomb of the common people in order to prevent the precincts of the holy city from being defiled.
The complainants (who at the moment will remain anonymous) even alleged that they was willing to go to News 12 and the Journal News to expose the actions of Mr. Lafayette concerning the process to challenge the signatures, fraudulently having people on Democratic voter rolls and abusing his absolute power over the voting process as Westchester democratic chairman, Mount Vernon City Committee Chairman and Westchester County Democratic Commissioner of Elections which they felt was illegal in nature and the DA's office was against the complainants going public with their complaints.
One of the anonymous comments below, about media / camera presence, is of concern to a discreet person like me.
Any person, whether known to you or anonymous, who is concerned about the treatment of your child can make a referral to Social Services seeking that they investigate matters.
(Day 6 — available NOW)-- 3 picks for anonymous crypto investments — Bitcoin's privacy issues revealed, and how people with legitimate concerns can protect their privacy
«A rep for BitInfoCharts, who wished to remain anonymous because of security concerns, told MONEY in an email that, given Bitcoin's current overall market capitalization and that most people hold Bitcoin at multiple addresses, there may actually be as many as 200 Bitcoin billionaires, and possibly no fewer than 35,» the report said.
It's anonymous, so people can respond without concern over judgement — and the survey does all the work searching for common themes in your personal brand, then reports those back to you.
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