Sentences with phrase «answer my question with»

And, on the flip side, if you know you are materially better than your competitors in certain areas the customer desires, answer questions with answers you know will far outshine those of your competitors.
You could answer that question with a question of your own, like «Do you like asking provocative questions?»
You don't want to see a CEO avoiding questions, answering questions with oblique «convincing statements» (such as, «everything's great!»)
On the eve of Russia's Open Innovations Forum and Exhibition, in a beautifully refurbished event space overlooking the Moskva River in what used to be the Red October candy factory, Dmitry Repin answers my question with another question: «If not here, then where?»
They answered this question with constant innovations over the years, from face detection to in - camera red - eye fixes.
As for what it does, we'll answer that question with another: What if you no longer had to spend thousands of dollars a year on communications gear, computer software and overall internal IT management?
You should be able to answer these questions with as much clarity and enthusiasm as your elevator pitch.
If your direct reports answered this question with a «yes» or «no» how would you do?
There are other researchers who will be able to answer this question with more precision, but the bottom line is that we don't have good information about this question, because it isn't being tracked systematically.
Of course, it's virtually impossible to answer these questions with 100 % accuracy.
The inventor will be guided through answering these questions with detailed explanation regarding the type of information the question is intending to collect.
, and people answer their questions with advise and ideas.
Ask and answer questions with other members at our credit advice center and connect with the Credit Karma community.
Dan and Alison answer your questions with the help of Nicholas Pearce, an associate professor at Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.
Four researchers in Catalonia tried to answer the question with dummy computers that mimicked the web - browsing patterns of either «affluent» or «budget conscious» customers for a week.
Once connected with a rep, he / she was professional and answered my questions with ease.
Users attempting to answer questions with any method other than their own personal human interaction will be banned and forfeit all acquired StatCoin.
What disappoints me is you can not answer any questions with your own brain.
Theist — I'm going to do something that I normally don't do... answer a question with a question.
I already answered your question with a direct quote from the Bible.
I don't think you can answer these questions with overarching analyses of the movement.
It wasn't the summer that brought an end to my doubt, but it was the summer I encountered a different Jesus, a Jesus who requires more from me than intellectual assent and emotional allegiance; a Jesus who associated with sinners and infuriated the religious; a Jesus who broke the rules and refused to cast the first stone; a Jesus who gravitated toward sick people and crazy people, homeless people and hopeless people; a Jesus who preferred story to exposition and metaphor to syllogism; a Jesus who answered questions with more questions, and demands for proof with demands for faith... a Jesus who healed each person differently and saved each person differently; a Jesus who had no list of beliefs to check off, no doctrinal statements to sign, no surefire way to tell who was «in» and who was «out»; a Jesus who loved after being betrayed, healed after being hurt, and forgave while being nailed to a tree; a Jesus who asked his disciples to do the same...
Catholic theologians normally have been shy about answering that question with any more certainty than Jesus himself projected when he responded indirectly but not reassuringly (Luke 3:23 «29).
A Mormon in the afterlife would be able to answer the question with a definitive «yes».
If you refuse to answer the question with a yes or no, then you're an agnostic, which means ignorant.
It is impossible to answer these questions with certainty, since the movement no longer exists and apparently there are no quantitative records.
So you answered my question with a website built by the guy who created the Creation Museum??
Especially since his calls were not screened and he answered those question with only the bible that he held.
«blah blah christianity is awesome, just ignore all the bad things in the bible, blah blah I'm right because I say so, blah blah I will never answer a question with anything but irrelevant bullshit».
Look who's blocking Tony, You answer my question with another question, so respectfully to answer your question, I don't know why natural disasters occur or kill... I am asking you what you think?
Many of my Jewish friends, as well as a growing number of my Christian friends, would answer that question with a resounding No.
I would like to answer that question with a few of my own.
You would want to answer your question with reference to such things as high pressure and low pressure systems, cold fronts, prevailing winds, humidity, and barometric pressure.
My insecurities — and answers — are likely different than yours but for me, learning to answer that question with the truth has changed everything.
(This might actually be one of those rare times when I actually know what you mean when you answer a question with a question.
Sister Mary Corita chose to answer these questions with the words of William Sloane Coffin: «Because we love the world, we pray now, O [God], for grace to quarrel with it, O Thou whose lover's quarrel with the world is the history of the world... Lord, grant us grace to quarrel with the worship of success and power... to quarrel with all that profanes and trivializes [people] and separates them... number us, we beseech Thee, in the ranks of those who went forth from this place longing only for those things for which Thou dost make us long, [those] for whom the complexity of the issues only served to renew their zeal to deal with them, [those] who alleviated pain by sharing it; and [those] who were always willing to risk something big for something good... O God, take our minds and think through them, take our lips and speak through them.
And he still lacks the ability to try to answer the questions with any substance.
Its not his fault for not answering that question with a definate answer.
You are answering your questions with your own life and it is beautiful!
We can now answer the question with which we began this chapter: Yes, the views expressed in this book qualify as Christian.
I've never had a believer answer this question with any argument that's in the realm of believability let alone factually:
Now that Christian rock has passed through its imitative infancy to take its place as a near - equal to the best of secular music, we can answer that question with a resounding «yes.»
Jesus answers the question with one of his characteristic non-answers: «Don't look for the neighbor, be one.»
I'll answer that question with an even better one.
Science has put forth its best theory to date to explain how it exists, but I'll submit neither science nor religion has answered the question with 100 % everyone - agrees certainty.
I really don't like to answer a question with a question but, where did fungus, cancer, earthquakes, male pattern baldness come from, is it possible that it is all a product of our environment?
The museum answers this question with an enormous display of a ship built to biblical specifications (the display is purported to be a fraction of the size of the actual ship).
Taking it and examining it, he again answered the question with another: «Whose head is this that is stamped on the coin, and whose inscription is this?»
He usually answered questions with questions.
I'll attempt to answer your question with a study, which looked at the effect of eating three versus one meal per day, without any caloric restriction.
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