Sentences with phrase «answer to the puzzle»

However, we will have to wait for a larger survey to develop a more comprehensive answer to this puzzle.
In the book, Beyond Biocentrism Robert Lanza and Bob Berman set out to begin looking for answers to these puzzling questions.
The research also may help to suggest answers to some puzzles in type 1 diabetes, she says, including why some cells seem to be more resistant to the autoimmune attack that causes the disease and how beta cells can be found in some people who have had the condition for decades.
Her journey started as it does for many of us... searching for answers to the puzzling health problems that affect us personally.
There is a lot to collect and a lot to understand, so follow this guide to find answers to your puzzling questions!
We don't need to be afraid: people are genuinely seeking answers to the puzzle that is humankind, and we have so much that is glorious and precious to present and to teach.
The study provides a straightforward answer to a puzzle that comparative neuroanatomists have been wrestling with for more than a decade: how can birds with their small brains perform complicated cognitive behaviors?
The ultimate answer to the puzzles raised by closed timelike curves is probably that they simply can not exist.
There will certainly be debate also about my proposition of no evidence at all for AGW.We will need a persuasive answer to the puzzle — why do land thermometers show a warming before 2000, but not after 2000?
There is a lot to collect and a lot to understand, so follow this guide to find answers to your puzzling questions!
The answer to the puzzle of why people don't do what is logical and beneficial for the individual and the team, lies deeper than you might think.
I wonder if people are attracted to Calvinism because of the elite feeling it gives them, or as an answer to the puzzle of why some believe and others don't, or if it's just that it is what they were taught.
By now the answer to the puzzle with which we began this essay should be becoming apparent.
It might be of a hassle and a little problematic to try and figure out the answers to the puzzling questions.
Now, a study by researchers at McGill University and the University of Rhode Island suggests that the answer to this puzzle lies in the winds themselves.
Convinced that the planet's minerology held the answer to this puzzling question, a team led by Dr Jon Wade, NERC Research Fellow in Oxford's Department of Earth Sciences, applied modelling methods used to understand the composition of Earth rocks to calculate how much water could be removed from the Martian surface through reactions with rock.
The answer to this puzzle was found in the complex interplay between the neutron star and its nearby companion.
An answer to the puzzle of the two different symmetry axes in NGC 4151 could shed further light on other objects that do not easily fit into the simple unified scheme.
The answer to this puzzle is in your immune function.
The answer to the puzzle depends on you.
Change and living outside the box is not an issue for you and that may be the answer to this puzzle.
The answer to that puzzle is not, ultimately as pertinent as the crushing flow of other questions posed by the film's clumsy meandering and its feeble excuses for appropriately feeble action sequences.
No matter what the outcome of the movie, the answer to this puzzle will definitely be foremost on the minds of those who leave the theater.
Adding to the lack of challenge here is the inclusion of a hint system which will give the answers to any puzzle in the game.
How Stuff Works Here you'll find informative articles and answers to those puzzling questions.
Rearrange the letters in the circled spaces to write the answer to the puzzle.
The answer to that puzzle is actually quite simple and has little to do with the fact that Phillips compares average student performance while our study focuses on advanced students: many OECD countries, including those that had a high percentage of high - achieving students, participated in PISA 2006 (upon which our analysis is based) but did not participate in either TIMSS 2003 or TIMSS 2007, the two surveys included in the Phillips studies.
While we can't know the answer to this puzzling feline behavior question with certainty, there are several likely explanations.
What works for your family is the answer to the puzzle!
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