Sentences with phrase «answer typical parent»

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There are as many right answers and best approaches to meeting these typical parenting challenges as there are children.
For that I'm sorry, but the answer is, if you're a typical American parent, probably not.
Short and written in an accessible question and answer format, nighttime parenting issues are discussed with the compassion and common sense typical of the Sears».
The engineers are our «parents», Vickers wants her parent dead, not to mention that David compares his parent (maker) being dead as freedom... In typical «Lost» fashion it's thematic mental masturbation that doesn't necessarily bother with answering the question, but I'll take that in a popcorn flick over a dumb one, any day.
I wanted average, typical kids — the one who does his homework often, but not always; the one who loves her parents, but still answers «Nothing» when asked, «What happened at school today?»
In a typical week, parents should expect to be helping students throughout each day, ensuring that they login to self - directed class or live class, answering any questions their student may have, helping them transition to new subjects, and keeping them on task.
Ms. Moskowitz, a former city councilwoman who recently announced she would not run for mayor in 2017, was speaking at New York Law School, part of their CityLaw breakfast series, and gave what was mostly a typical Success Academy stump speech: save for an introduction that was more of a defense against recent lawsuits and media stories, and for a conclusion that saw parents of former Success students livening up the typically staid CityLaw audience to demand apologies or answers from Ms. Moskowitz.
Typical work activities performed by these professionals are preparing learning materials, teaching, answering to student inquiries, assigning homework, grading tests, reporting to parents and joining students during field trips.
Typical resume samples for this role emphasize duties such as teaching courses, preparing learning materials, assigning homework, answering to student inquiries, grading tests, and reporting to parents.
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