Sentences with phrase «answering biblical questions»

He was very helpful in answering biblical questions that I had, and I thank God for him and his family.
We talked about his theological journey: «did you need to answer any biblical questions before determining how to act?»
She does a great job of answering the biblical question around bread.

Not exact matches

You're just refusing to answer my questions again and this time about Biblical texts — and you're a pastor!
Two comments.One, the atheist / materialist claims that he / she... «Did «nt believe in free will»... O.K.Should we take that to mean some mindless, heretofore unknown force apllied those words in your behalf?Did someone put the proverbial «gun to your head «and force you to post your comments?we await you presumably forced answer with bated breath.Two.As for Mr.Gingrich, beware.Politics aside, the one question yet remains for Calista: How did you, a professed «devout «Roman Catholic, carry on a 6 - year affair with a man you knew was married?How does that square with the Biblical prohibition against committing adultery?Oh wait!I know!As a «devout «Roman Catholic you can sin with impunity; just go to your priest, say a couple of «hail Marys and Our Fathers», ask the priest to bless your sinning, and resume.Of course!I had forgetton how easily Catholics excuse their trangressions (ex opere operato, anyone).
I bombarded him with questions and he would provide reasonable, biblical answers.
He frequently answers these questions by utilizing the social understanding of the biblical people.
East Tennessee doesn't have a large Jewish population, so for the first few months of my year of biblical womanhood, I searched high and low for a Jewish source to answer my questions about Jewish holidays, kosher eating, mixed fibers, head coverings, and niddah.
So far all this may seem but a metaphysical rendering of the biblical doctrine, but St. Augustine wants to establish his conception of the being of God by answering many questions to which the Platonists have given their kind of answer.
Getting Real Oh, interesting you struck a chord «living in that fantasy world just doesn't work» I stumbled on this site for some solid answers to biblical questions just to get hit with the atheist buzz saw.
In a 1998 exchange with Placher in the Christian Century, Gustafson charged that postliberals never give straight answers to questions about the historical credibility of biblical narrative or about the relation of Christian truth to the truth of other religions.
In this approach, the postliberal answer to the truth question is that scripture is true in the manner of its distinctively mixed genre and that, yes, it is enough to say that biblical truth is the capacity of the text to draw readers into a Christian framework of meaning.
Biblical study, of the most exacting sort, can never answer the question of what precisely did happen, nor can it provide the evidence necessary to assure us of the specific and concrete events associated with Jesus» resurrection, whatever they were.
This chapter has suggested an approach for answering that question, finding in the dialogue between competing traditions a resource for Biblical reanalysis.
But perhaps before we can answer the question as to why, we have to establish the biblical meaning and purpose of miracles.
Such questions are basic to understanding a Biblical position regarding women in the church and family and are answered variously by each side in the debate.
It is a rare biblical word too, and so to adequately answer the question, we would need to see how the word is used in the Bible too.
Hence, to answer the question of what the Bible says, there is no great advantage in deciding just which biblical words do, and which do not, refer specifically to homosexuality.
Even to record such conclusions of biblical scholars may contribute to the wintry chill that reaches many corners of the texts, God simply keeps asking creatures questions that admit of no easy answer.
Bishop Paulose says, «It is by this reasoning, namely by a bold effort to answer the question of how Jesus Christ can become lord even of the religionless, that Bonhoeffer arrived at his conclusion that the church should work out and proclaim a «non-religious» interpretation of Biblical and theological concepts».
The Enlightenment Bible had authority, but its authority «had no essential center» since it was distributed among the disciplines that scrutinized it, each of which «offered its own answer to the question of biblical authority.»
Still, to answer your question about why it seems like we don't presently see extravagant spectacles like seas splitting, the lame walking, donkeys talking and axe heads floating, we need to establish the biblical meaning and purpose of miracles.
And then instead of you answering my questions, you come back with a bunch of other Biblical quotes which mean nothing as I already explained.
To answer that question, Justin argues that we have to have «a clear, consistent biblical standard for interpreting the text, a principle we can apply to various passages that will help us to determine, fairly and consistently, how to translate them for our culture... Such a standard would need to be able to differentiate God's eternal laws — such as those dealing with murder, theft, and adultery — from the cultural biblical rules Christians are no longer obligated to follow — such as those dealing with dietary restrictions and head coverings.»
I find it ironic that you quote an organization that is dedicated to investigating Biblical questions, Answers In Genesis and then say that there is no evidence for creationism And they do look at the same evidence, science.
What is necessary, Niebuhr declares, is»... a critique of historical reason, a reason that will not seek the possibility of biblical history in the conditions of natural science or idealistic metaphysics, but rather in the answer to the distinctive question, how do we know historical events.»
Now, in their letter, Collins and Walls again offer no answer to Newman's question, but only reinforce their appeal to consensus by pointing out that Nicaea has been «defended over and over again by great theologians and biblical scholars down the centuries.»
In discovering the biblical definition of church, you will also discover answers the most basic questions all humans have about their own existence and identity.
Second, in light of the answer to this first question, how biblical is evangelical theology?
In the last two chapters, the authors make their concluding assessment: first in social and political terms by analyzing the positions of evangelicals and Catholics with regard to main themes in American history; second in more biblical and theological terms as they seek to answer the question they set themselves in their title.
This little book is not designed to answer all the complex questions of biblical interpretation.
Ironically, then, Israel's prime minister is being harmed rather than helped by this employing of biblical proof - texts on the part of Christian evangelicals to answer political questions in the Middle East.
The accordance of doctrine and Scripture motivates the project of theological exegesis and not only raises difficult and puzzling questions but also provides resources for genuinely biblical answers.
It meant having intelligent and ready answers to questions concerning the Problem of Evil, religious pluralism, biblical inerrancy, evolutionary theory, and postmodern relativism.
These and other questions can, of course, be answered only according to one's own interpretation of the biblical interpretation of the biblical event, that is, according to one's own position vis - a-vis the life of faith.
A sense of being embattled: a reliance perhaps on rules rather than answers to profound questions raised in a rapidly - changing world, a sense of the Church as a fortress rather than a Mother and teacher, a bleak landscape for Biblical studies.
Re: 6,000 years, I can't tell if you are being serious or being «cute,» so I will ask again, do you literally believe the biblical creation stroy, or are you cleverly trying to dodge the question, perhaps answering the question in the context of some other belief or interpretation of that section of the bible?
Nice young men, and I truly enjoyed talking to them, but they couldn't provide answers to biblical questions that we had to argue their doctrine.
While that is not an easy question to answer, it does seem that the second step toward worship renewal ought to be a concerted effort within our seminaries to recover the biblical - theological meaning of worship and to trace its historical development from Pentecost to the Reformation.
The Biblical theology and live Christians may be able to answer your questions.
The museum answers this question with an enormous display of a ship built to biblical specifications (the display is purported to be a fraction of the size of the actual ship).
Scientists have debated whether the first significant phase of the compilation of biblical texts happened before or after the fall of the first Temple, in 586 B.C. To get at the potential answers to that question, a group of researchers in Israel analyzed mundane inscriptions about the needs of daily life on 16 ceramic shards written about 600 B.C. from an ancient military fortress in Arad, at the northern edge of the Negev desert.
Biblical Spotlight takes questions and answers them from the Bible.
Discover biblical answers to questions about sex, marriage, sexual addictions, and more.
The idea that ten percent of a person's paycheck is a biblical mandate by God is what my book questions, and it also provides answers about the so - called tithe that many have never realized.
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