Sentences with phrase «answering kids questions»

Tags: answering kids questions, birth, children's questions, communicating with teens, conception, parenting, sex talk with kids, talking about babies with kids, where do babies come from

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The FreeTime version of Alexa speaks in a more kid - friendly way, giving longer, more detailed answers to questions like, «What's a galaxy?»
For instance, Budge's titles require players to answer a math question that a typical kid can't solve before making a purchase: A game targeted at four - year - olds might ask, «What's nine times eight?»
It includes lots of new features, like access to a bundle of kid - friendly Audible audiobooks, child - specific answers to questions, an explicit lyrics filter for music, and more.
There is a lot that's fraught about answering the questions kids ask — or providing services to children at all.
The Tribune may have missed it in their own reporting, but the answer to the question is, «Yes, we expect kids to confront shooters.»
(End of excerpt) I know Granpop, you got ta kinda watch out for a guy who quotes himself — just kidding, it was the best way for me to answer your question.
Wake up people, MAKE politicians answer questions and come up with solutions for the problems that matter (economy, wealth disparity, lost jobs etc etc), whether or not your kids learn the theory of evolution in school will be of little comfort if they have no home to go to after school.
sumday, What is this kids day «Bobby does so I can too», It does not answer the fundamental question, is the action of selling to your enemy morally right or morally wrong?
And I answer, «I don't know» more often than I'd like, admitting to my kids that many of the questions they ask, I still ask, too.
Do I actually believe that God will answer my kids» questions with true discoveries and open doors?
Answer the hard questions from your kids, disciple your family, and humbly realize that, ultimately, your children can and will make their own decisions about faith one day.
The kid asked to meet Luke Skywalker (notably not Mark Hamill), but after receiving the request through his agent, Hamill apparently gave the young boy's family his home address and hosted them for hours, fielding question after question from the kid, and answering them all as the famous Jedi.
Simply making up answers, which is what the religious do, is also what parents do when they're tired of being questioned by their kids.
I'm raising my kids in the church because the moral lessons are valuable to children, but when they are more mature and start asking the questions that dogma can't answer I intend to be candid about my experiences and encourage them to seek the answers for themselves.
I desperately want my kids to be able to question, doubt, and wrestle with their faith without being judged and without feeling like they have to have the correct answers to all Bible trivia questions and the solution to every theological quandary.
One of the resons I thought there would be a higher percentage of atheisim is that evolution is being taught as fact in schools, but apparently most of the kids are not buying it, they just answer the questions on exams for the best grades.
High school kids could answer some of these questions.
The reason atheism is on the rise is that kids are seeing that Science answers their questions better than belief in gods.
In our youth group, the kids say the Creed every week during our worship time, in answer to the question, «Christian, in whom do you trust?»
If you are a creationist that doesn't want your kid to learn about evolution, please answer these questions becuase I really want to know.
My mom couldn't remember how she answered the «2 bunny» question, although I'm pretty sure that whatever she said was convincing to a kid at the time.
What we've done with our kids (ages 13 and 10) is let them know that they WILL have questions and that yes, it will be weird and embarassing for both of us, but we'll always answer honestly.
What a beautiful story and how incredibly real — it is crazy how children can go from asking the most profound questions we adults at times struggle to answer or struggle to answer in a way that gives justice to the question and yet, a mere 30 seconds later the same kid can turn to the most seemingly profane distraction.
She delivered a brief, but detailed, interactive talk story with the audience on what she went through finding out that she has celiac disease, what it's like for her having kids with celiac disease and multiple food allergies, plus she answered all of the questions people had.
Perhaps, the club and Wenger do not even have answers to these questions (I kid you not!).
It's as basic as your kids starting at a new school and finding out the main teachers are leaving — only, when it comes to multi million pound football contracts, agents are allowed to ask questions that demand straight answers.
However, if a kid has an offer, but he hasn't visited and the coaches have no evidence his family is onboard with a decision to commit, I can totally see the coaches saying, «Hey, let's hold off until you visit the school with your family, because this is one of the most important decisions you'll ever make in your life and we want to make sure you and your family have all the information you need and all your questions answered before you make it.»
His Time interview was even more astonishing, as Tiger openly answered questions about his very public divorce from Elin Nordegren following his sex scandal, their current «more open and honest» relationship as «best friends,» and his role as co-parent to their two kids.
I realized that even if I somehow came up with a convincing answer to the question, the college itself might not really be a good match — that for four years I might be the only kid on campus who wasn't actually excited to go there.
Some of these tests were the standardized tests that the states or districts re-use each year, and the teachers were worried about kids cheating — sharing questions and answers with next year's students.
The teachers were so rigid and the workload was so overwhelming that the kids were always in a state of panic, afraid of answering a question incorrectly or getting a detention for incomplete work.
As I mentioned in the first post on how to talk to kids about pornography, I'm thrilled that former regular contributor Amy Cody (Parent Education Manager at Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts) is generously returning to answer these important questions.
Media literacy classes, with their emphasis on questions rather than answers, provide a terrific, important and involving forum for our kids to learn how to think, how to analyze, how to deconstruct and how to make sure they're not being sold a bill of goods.
She was comfortable answering questions from kids, and confident asking a teacher to repeat a question.
And the bigger question I have heard the parenting community ask is, «How does she have time to take care of her kids and spend quality time when she spend ALL HER TIME on her blog and answering tweets.»
Maggie took the time to answer my question about this notion, widely reported in the media, that kids can now take unlimited fruits and vegetables if they're still hungry after the meal.
In it, they asked kids with Down syndrome, as well as typically developing kids, some simple questions and recorded their answers.
We don't know the answers to the questions our kids are going to have later on.
It has certainly meant that in my new Nanny career I can get out and about easily with 4 kids, giving me extra enjoyment now that my son is facing me (in the toddler seat) and I can answer his questions as he points to things we pass, helping me develop his language and engage with him even en route.»
If you're raising your children on your own, and the other parent chooses not to be involved, you may anticipate that your kids will eventually start asking some tough questions that you'll need to answer.
In The Pressured Child, author Michael Thompson suggests that kids don't answer the question «How was school?»
Ans: I want to answer this question with a question that is «why do you buy toys for your kid
A comprehensive report released last week by the Kids» Safe and Healthful Foods Project (KSHFP) goes a long way toward answering that question.
For the record, ALL the kids answered in the affirmative to that particular question.
I loved the idea and suggested adding a form with questions for dads to answer and also add photos of dads with their kids.
So in answer to your question, IF I won this, it would go to one of our kids for Christmas.
Twitter Chat: Join us to discuss and get your questions answered about the powerful topic of technology and kids.
You'll get answers to questions like whether it's okay to place a car seat near an air bag and when your little one can safely ride in the front seat, along with parent - tested tips to keep kids secure in the car at every age, in all types of seats and situations.
Answering their kids» questions about sex is a responsibility that many parents dread.
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