Sentences with phrase «antepartum haemorrhage»

The I2 value was greater than 50 % for 10 outcomes (antenatal hospitalisation, amniotomy, augmentation, opiate analgesia, attendance at birth by known carer, intact perineum, perineum requiring suturing, duration of postnatal hospital stay, duration of neonatal stay, breastfeeding initiation, and greater than 30 % for a further six (antepartum haemorrhage, induction of labour, episiotomy, five - minute Apgar score less than seven, preterm birth, admission to neonatal care).
There were no differences between groups for fetal loss equal to / after 24 weeks and neonatal death, induction of labour, antenatal hospitalisation, antepartum haemorrhage, augmentation / artificial oxytocin during labour, opiate analgesia, perineal laceration requiring suturing, postpartum haemorrhage, breastfeeding initiation, low birthweight infant, five - minute Apgar score less than or equal to seven, neonatal convulsions, admission of infant to special care or neonatal intensive care unit (s) or in mean length of neonatal hospital stay (days).
Exclusion criteria included the following: any history of antepartum haemorrhage or placenta praevia, a previous classical caesarean scar or more than one lower segment caesarean section, any indication of compromise to the baby in utero, growth restriction, larger baby, polyhydramnios, foetal anomaly to include maternal obstetric or medical issues.
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