Sentences with phrase «anthropogenic climate»

These results suggest that there is a strong impact of anthropogenic climate change on growing season length.
The 38 papers selected for this study have all contributed to the gap in perception on anthropogenic climate change between the general public and climate scientists.
It was very interesting that not one of them could recall any conversation about anthropogenic climate change in relation to the fires.
I'm quite certain that the various groups running the show sincerely don't believe in anthropogenic climate change.
It won't be possible to just publish accurate scientific information about anthropogenic climate forcing and leave it at that, and expect the general public to respond in a prudent and rational way.
These temperature increases, only a few degrees C, are less then the predicted warming that will be caused by anthropogenic climate change.
What is not clear is how much this extra warming has to do with anthropogenic climate change.
But then I woke up as a scientist and realized that my belief in dangerous anthropogenic climate change was second order belief — based on the IPCC consensus.
The primary case against expansion of current fossil fuel use involves the risk from anthropogenic climate change.
Among the most important potential impacts of anthropogenic climate warming are changes in extreme weather.
Our synthesis of present knowledge suggests that a variety of tipping elements could reach their critical point within this century under anthropogenic climate change.
If anthropogenic climate change was false, there would be less need for renewable energy.
The evidence strongly suggests those most likely to deny anthropogenic climate change are conservative males in countries that rely heavily on fossil fuels.
There is a strong degree of agreement in climate sciences on the question regarding anthropogenic climate change.
The sensitivity of the climate system to an imposed radiative imbalance remains the largest source of uncertainty in projections of future anthropogenic climate change.
Each model had run simulations that included anthropogenic climate influences like human - released greenhouse gases and aerosols as well as simulations run without those human influences.
This scientific debate about whether anthropogenic climate change is dangerous needs to end up like a game of postal chess (on the internet).
You will always cite some scientific expert that claims anthropogenic climate change is false.
There is significant current interest and research focus on the phenomenon of recent anthropogenic climate changes, or global warming.
It's a given that an organized and well - funded campaign has led efforts to confuse the public regarding the consensus around anthropogenic climate change.
However, there is high risk of permafrost thaw under projected anthropogenic climate change.
Though anthropogenic climate change is undeniable and dire, climate engineering is the single greatest causal factor in regard to the record droughts occurring all over the globe.
But the rings showed that an even more severe drought took place around the year 800, long before anthropogenic climate change began.
The event was designed to spur a new global treaty to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and stem anthropogenic climate change.
Nowadays, these undergraduate students are critical thinkers who have been born into a world where anthropogenic climate change has always been an issue discussed and debated in the public arena.
The average anthropogenic climate change effect is not negligible, but nor is it large, although a small shift in the mean can lead to very large percentage changes in extremes.
Thus, it can be concluded that the observed 15 - year trend in radiative imbalance of the tropics is probably a signature of natural rather than anthropogenic climate variations.
Event attribution studies seek to determine to what extent anthropogenic climate change has altered the probability or magnitude of particular events.
The point is to think how current weather patterns are affected by anthropogenic climate change, so it's necessary to consider the vast majority of that heat accumulating in the oceans.
Moreover, the temperature rises associated with anthropogenic climate change are not uniform across the globe.
However, these events are exactly what we expect from anthropogenic climate change.
Re: The main reason for concern about anthropogenic climate change is not that we can already see it (although we can).
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