Sentences with phrase «anti-hadid circle jerk»

Quite frankly, I'm not interested in any «intelligent discourse which is little more than a circle jerk of a discussion where privileged people sit around and abstractly theorize about what the «real problems» of and «solutions to» marginalized people's problems that doesn't center the words and experiences of actual marginalized people and their own understanding of their own problems.
Because arguing over circle jerk fantasy is only entertaining when the circle involves over a million fools: is there anything in the bible that condemns female on female relationships?
I had many justifications, but it was a broken and insecure man stroking his ego and wanting stroked in a circle jerk of narcacisstism and call that shit god.
I decided long ago that theodicy is nothing more than a giant circle jerk made to distract from the REAL question we should be asking when bad things happen to good people:
And we should all smear patchouli oil on our bodies and have a great, big circle jerk drum circle.
Ultimately the author is just another circle jerking member of the atheist mutual admiration society.
And therefore, if fully man, he would have been a chronic masturbator as a teenage boy, and he would have looked at the ladies with lust in his heart and a bulge in his robes, and he would have engaged in some s - ex games with other guys — circle jerks, perhaps — and would have taken more than the occasional tumble with the prost - itutes.
The article isn't supposed to be a huge American circle jerk, it's supposed to cast a light on the fact that as broad minded as we want to believe we are, there are still obviously problems.
These arguments have turned into a circle jerk.
You spineless wimps get into these group orgasms any time the media puts their name in an article just for web clicks to watch the circle jerk create ad money.
You and your kind, who for some strange reason are happy with the transfers and the tactics and the results are a tiny minority, so why do nt you all get together in one of your dorm rooms and circle jerk each other.
You «moan merchants» should start a «Wenger out» blog and go there to circle jerk each other.
Can we wait a few more games before the Man City circle jerk?
Unless you just want to sit around in a circle jerk with other Gooners that think like you do, you should welcome posters like JJPawn.
Media / pundits have spent the last 2 or 3 years circle jerking over City telling everyone who cared to listen that they have 2 WC players in every spot.
So... is The Fitness Summit a circle jerk?
«This anti-Hadid circle jerk is getting beyond tired.
Most of the behind - the - scenes features are of the typical effusive praise, Hollywood circle jerk variety, as we've told over and over again how honored everyone was to work with each other and words like «brilliant», «visionary», and «genius» are trotted out to describe everyone in the cast and crew.
It's unfortunate because the premise has a lot of potential, instead the audience is treated to low brow humor that includes a circle jerk joke.
(A solemn thirty - second circle jerk would've accomplished the same.)
You are assuming since I criticized vapid inane unchallenging and circle jerking leftwing tropes, that I must be a God forbid Republican.
Those annoyingly emboldened tree - huggers of America must be having one hell of a circle jerk over the remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still.
Conversely, when I looked at free reviews, mostly I found people just trying to get free books and, for lack of a better word, something of an unofficial circle jerk.
You were incessantly trolling on that game since it was announced, sharing your biased opinion with toxic Xbox fanboys that those excited for it were a «circle jerk», trying to pass it off as a TLoU clone etc, etc. only to be proven utterly wrong and yet weeks after its release I'm still playing the game because its world and combat is so good and addicting, and I'm far, far from the only one (even if I was done with the game in a week, there are much better multiplayer games worthy of my time than Conan).
This is not a reply to danny818, but this site is such a PS4 circle jerk, which is actually appropriate since ps4 is the new porn hub, that my comment calling out trollers is at the top, for being off topic when 90 % of the comments are ps4 fanboys exaggerating that there are mounds and mounds xbox's in store.
LMAO its like a big xboner circle jerk in here, the ps4 has more games at launch and more games coming within in the year than the xbone so who cares what this guy thinks.
Yea It's always a circle jerk there.
It's a full - on Nintendo bashing circle jerk on that thread.
Here comes the circle jerk ps4 squad.
Ya'll fall for it and get into the normal bash xbox circle jerk.
Journalist need to realize its Sony or get owned on this circle jerk of a site lol
And this crap just adds to the circle jerk as well.
the circle jerk title for the fan boys once again lol goodness guys yall do nt own stocks in these companies!
That slowly changed and now it's nothing but PS4 fanboys circle jerking each other and down voting anything they dislike.
the circle jerk begins youre comparing software of a hardware that is less than a year out lol.
oh you mean the circle jerk of psn4g.
I interpreted the series of illustrations as a circle jerk between cultural custodians and European cultural icons, from Michelangelo's David to Marcel Proust.
No one outside of your 4 man circle jerk buys your data.
The magical properties of «peer review» are greatly overrated - it's what would be called in less pretentious fields an old boys» club, and was described to me recently by one eminent scientist as, if you'll pardon the expression, a «circle jerk».
It is ickily like a circle jerk for progressives with inferiority complexes.
Law review looked like a stupid waste of time, the professional equivalent of a circle jerk.

Not exact matches

Or how about this: Go play circle - jerk with captain america.
Because my husband doesn't speak your politically correct language and instead responds in a knee jerk reaction to what he sees here, you immediately circle around and start wagging your fingers as you did me.
My being a jerk does not change the fact that I can think circles around you and am in med school learning to be a neurologist.
Come on guys stop the fracking circle - jerk!
Pretty sure I heard this last year when everyone was circle - jerking about City and Chelsea's squads....
R / keto recipes users in particular have narrowed their own world of food possibilities down to a pizza circle - jerk.
Just a big popularity contest / circle - jerk.
«Spider - Man» frequently falls victim to easy sentimentality — the knee jerk reaction seems to be «if we want people to care, put a six - year - old on screen» — especially with Peter and Gwen's on - again / off - again relationship which doesn't develop so much drive in an endless circle, marking time until the climax.
The internet, circle - jerk, fart sniffing, jizz fest over Dark Souls had put me off that series entirely and when Bloodborne was revealed to be pretty much in the same vein I was less than barely enthusiastic.
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