Sentences with word «antiangiogenic»

The word "antiangiogenic" means something that prevents the growth of new blood vessels. Full definition
For discovering tumor angiogenesis, and for pioneering work in the development of antiangiogenic therapies for cancer.
He is an expert on microvascular anatomy and patterns of angiogenesis and the effects of antiangiogenic agents in blood vessels in different organ and tissue systems.
Explain how the abnormal microenvironment impacts anti-cancer drugs and how manipulating it with antiangiogenics can improve therapeutic outcomes.
«Nintedanib [a drug that there is more experimental data on] is an improved antiangiogenic drug compared to previous angiogenesis inhibitors, given that it prevents angiogenesis in a more efficient way and with lower toxicity than its predecessors,» explains Quintela.
According to the researchers, «the combination of an antibody that inhibits PD - L1 and PD - 1 [programmed death 1] interactions with a targeted antiangiogenic agent might take advantage of complementary mechanisms of action to provide clinical benefit in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma that exceeds the effects of the respective drugs alone, without increasing associated toxicity.»
Blood vessel development is technically known as angiogenesis, so the drugs that inhibit this process are called antiangiogenic.
The second clinical study COG - ANGIO (Pr Joly) demonstrated that antiangiogenics exert a direct negative impact on cognitive functions and fatigue in kidney cancer patients.
The minimal inhibitory concentration for kahweol in this assay of «tubule - like» structures formation on Matrigel was 25 µM, in the range of concentrations at which other known antiangiogenic compounds produce this kind of effect [13], [27].
There are also treatments like antiangiogenic therapy, photodynamic therapy and surgery.
The advantages to antiangiongenic treatment is that it is effective in treating a wide variety of cancers and is given in doses that are not as high as doses of chemotherapy therefore antiangiogenic drugs are less toxic to the dog.
Hypoxia - induced autophagy promotes tumor cell survival and adaptation to antiangiogenic treatment in glioblastoma.
He and his collaborators subsequently hypothesized that normalizing the microenvironment may improve treatment outcome and subsequently have demonstrated that judicious use of antiangiogenic agents — originally designed to starve tumors — could transiently «normalize» tumor vasculature, alleviate hypoxia, increase delivery of drugs and anti-tumor immune cells, and improve the outcome of various therapies, including immunotherapy.
Antiangiogenic therapies show some therapeutic potential with increased disease - free survival, but these initial promising results are short lived and followed by tumor progression.
Commenting on the study, Dr Andres Poveda, Head of the Gynecological Oncology Clinic at Fundación Instituto Valenciano de Oncología, Valencia, Spain, who was not involved in the research, said the CIRCCa study is the second recent trial to show the benefit of adding an antiangiogenic drug to chemotherapy in cervical cancer.
Then the first study to include an antiangiogenic drug, bevacizumab, obtained spectacular results, offering a survival benefit of four months in one study — which is the equivalent to that obtained over the previous 20 years.»
These antiangiogenic drugs include antibiotic derivatives, peptides (small protein fragments) and peptide derivatives.
«The primary implication of our findings is that, since lymph node metastases do not require the development of new blood vessels, antiangiogenic therapy will not inhibit lymphatic metastasis.
Neurospheres from these patients also showed impairment of the ability to create new vessels, with low concentration of VEGFA, one of the most important angiogenesis regulatory molecules, and increased concentration of TIMP - 1, an antiangiogenic protein.
Dr. Giannoula Klement, an internationally recognized expert on tumor angiogenesis and antiangiogenic therapy, worked with Judah Folkman elucidating the role of platelets in angiogenesis and their possible role as biomarkers in the early detection of cancer and tumor recurrence.
Dermatologist Jack Arbiser has been interested in curcumin's antiangiogenic (inhibiting blood vessel growth) properties for several years and reports that he is studying how the compound is metabolized.
In summary, our novel data suggest that ER - α — positive and negative breast cancer subtypes respond differently to hypoxic exposure and as a consequence, anti-HIF-1α or antiangiogenic therapies will not be suitable for both subtypes.
Dr. Jain's nominators note that, in sum, his work has provided ``... unprecedented molecular, cellular, anatomical and functional insights into the vascular pathophysiology of tumors, for proposing the seminal hypothesis that antiangiogenic therapy can «normalize» the aberrant vasculature and microenvironment of tumors and thereby improve both delivery and efficacy of treatment of solid tumors.»
Epigallocatechin -3-gallate (EGCG) found in green tea even acts as an antiangiogenic and antitumor agent, and helps modulate tumor cell response to chemotherapy.30
Angiogenesis modulators (or antiangiogenics) are various drugs that reduce this new blood supply and «starve» the cancer.
Currently several drugs are being investigated for their antiangiogenic properties, and may be useful for treatment of Hemangiosarcoma in the future.

Phrases with «antiangiogenic»

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