Sentences with phrase «antibiotic regimen»

An "antibiotic regimen" refers to a specific treatment plan that involves taking antibiotics, which are medicines used to fight bacterial infections. It outlines how often and for how long the antibiotics should be taken to effectively treat the infection. Full definition
As Bermudez notes, anyone who's ever had trouble sticking with a 10 - day antibiotic regimen for an ear infection can understand the hurdles in taking multiple medicines for a couple of dozen weeks — especially given the numerous side effects of the TB drugs.
«This sort of host - directed therapy would be particularly effective in cases of multi-drug-resistant disease where current antibiotic regimens fail.»
† In clinical studies, a single injection of CONVENIA was clinically equivalent to a 14 - day antibiotic regimen.
A new WHO / UNICEF Statement in support of 2015 WHO guidelines provides options for the use of simplified antibiotic regimens that are both safe and effective for outpatient treatment of clinical severe infection and fast - breathing pneumonia among young infants weighing at least 1.5 kg.
Shorter antibiotic regimens, in contrast, intentionally allow some susceptible bacteria to survive in order to help suppress any resistant pathogens.
«Now we need to determine if the disease process or the extended antibiotic regimen is responsible for the changes we identified so that we can effectively care for the medical condition while minimizing any unintended, and potentially, far - reaching effects.»
The incomplete antibiotic regimens some patients received, meanwhile, sparked rampant drug resistance.
Triangle has other medical issues that are being addressed, and now he is on a long - term antibiotic regimen.
Although current antibiotic regimens may cure most patients who are treated early, if the infection is allowed to progress, the 28 - day treatment may be insufficient, based on these findings,» Embers said.
But if you're committed to nursing your baby, or feeding your baby breast milk, you might have reservations about continuing to do so while you're on an antibiotic regimen.
Farther down the road, the newly developed PANDAS mice could allow researchers to devise better or more specific treatments than the antibiotic regimens currently being used.
Conventional wisdom: Antibiotic regimens should be taken in full, even after the patient feels healthy again.
I know that I would not be able to withstand the antibiotic regimen without the help of your probiotic.
Feline bordetella may be treated with an antibiotic regimen.
While a seroma might resolve on its own, abscesses require drainage and your vet will prescribe an antibiotic regimen.
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