Sentences with phrase «anticipation for this game»

While the footage does seem a bit randomly stitched together, the pure anticipation for this game is through the roof.
Less than a month away from Fallout 4's release, Bethesda has released a brand new live action trailer that practically pours a gallon of gasoline onto the fires of anticipation for gamers everywhere.
In hopes of boosting the hype and anticipation for the game as well as make up for the second delay, Rockstar shared new screenshots from the game (found below).
I feel more anticipation for this game than I do for the City match, and that gut - wrenching feeling when we lose to them is definitely worse than losing to City.
A lot of said anticipation for the game, however, was fan - generated and must have left Hello Games feeling a bit anxious to meet the requirements set by the wide audience they had established.
With the short time between the announcement and the release, fans didn't have time to build up anticipation for this game like they did with RE4 and RE5.
If anticipation for a game can be measured by the conversation it generates, then over six thousand comments in a Touch Arcade forum thread would suggest that Canadian developers Psychoz Interactive have got a sure - fire hit on their hands with Forgotten Memories.
So if you are itching with anticipation for this game and want to get a look at what to expect inside, ATLUS PR Manager Aram Jabbari gives you a great look.
Opening up to Midge Ure's cover of David Bowie's «The Man Who Sold the World» is a cinematically appropriate introduction that foreshadows Venom's identity, both through the content of the song and the fact that a cover is playing instead of the original, while building anticipation for the game proper to begin.
Activision has started a countdown clock on its Call of Duty website in anticipation for the game in the franchise — which will be returning to its roots in Call of Duty WWII, confirming earlier rumors.
When we at Beatshapers announced #KILLALLZOMBIES for PS4 on August 8th, we were not expecting to receive as much praise and anticipation for the game as we did, so thank you for helping us generate that.
What bugs me about all this is that with the amount of anticipation for this game they could've gone the Kickstarter route and avoided dealing with Sony in the first place.
However, what's likely driving the anticipation for this game is the memory of Super Bowl 42.
The anticipation for the game mounts, but we just want to play it.
My anticipation for this game makes it extremely hard to focus at work.
Truth to be told, the anticipation for this game was somewhat small, hence why its delays weren't that big of a deal for some.
One could imagine both of these as intentional decisions to drum up anticipation for the game.
There's a whole lot of anticipation for this game and with good reason: SWTOR will be the WoW of the Star Wars Universe.
And then, just broadly speaking at a higher level, how is the anticipation for that game shaping up?
Does that prospect excite you, or has waiting all these years killed your anticipation for the game?
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