Sentences with phrase «anticipation of the event»

The liquidity - based correction was likely in anticipation of both events.
I'm so excited to be attending the show and have loved the opportunity to work with local boutiques to create looks in anticipation of the event.
But the mere anticipation of the event may pour a little kerosene onto what is already a fairly hot local real estate market.
Reasons for judgement were released recently by the BC Supreme Court, Vancouver Registry, confirming that a second Court ordered defense medical exam is inappropriate solely in anticipation of an event which may not occur.
A firm believer in the borough's potential, Assemblyman Blake in anticipation of the event noted «the incredible technology opportunity» and its readiness to transition into an «urban metropolis of the world».
February is the time when a big game expo takes place in Tokyo, called JAEPO and in anticipation of that event comes new teasers and unveils.
But the mere anticipation of the event may pour a little kerosene onto what is already a fairly hot local real estate market,» wrote Michael Cooper in an article published on the New York Times online on February 8.
Consider running a «Sex and the City» marathon or episodes of the «Real Housewives» series in anticipation of the event.
In anticipation of the event, I invited Dr. Rao to answer a few pressing questions about boys and communication.
In anticipation of the event, I invited Kinlan to answer 6 pressing questions related to the pre - K / K jump:
In anticipation of the event, Albany Common Council President Carolyn McLaughlin issued a statement saying it was «beyond my comprehension» how women could attend the event.
In the course of that editing, we may need to fudge the time line — both in anticipation of an event and after the fact.
To release yourself from the paralysis and destructive emotional reactions that often arise from unpleasant events or the anticipation of those events, it is necessary to open yourself to possibility.
In another possibility we can say that the banks have already stockpiled cash in anticipation of this event.
The intrinsic value in these stocks is uncertain because its discovery requires the anticipation of an event not obvious in the historical financial data — mean reversion.
They do not look back to the past and harbor grudges nor do they look to the future in anticipation of an event that will make their life better.
The Short Pause crew is getting excited and, in anticipation of the event, we've all been discussing what we hope to see at E3 this year.
In anticipation of the event,...
In addition to the usual «Top 5 ″ stuff I do for the Big Three's pressers each year, I've also been bitten by the hype bug, and have decided to make a quick list in anticipation of the event.
In anticipation of the event, Viz Media is accelerating...
Capturing moments before or between, Mister creates an anticipation of an event, or the calm after an event has passed, like the sensation of falling asleep or awaking from a dream.
This is usually about six months after an IPO, and it often puts downward pressure on the stock in anticipation of the event.
Have you bought more Bitcoin in anticipation of the event?
We often know when challenges are approaching and the anticipation of the event or the situation can trigger a range of thoughts and feelings which can make things feel worse.
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