Sentences with phrase «anticipation of the launch»

So in anticipation of launching it, I decided to invest time and money to seek out those who could help me promote the program.
BTC's valuation rises higher and higher in anticipation of the launch of Bitcoin futures trading on three major exchanges.
Probably we'll learn more when Anthem gets revealed all over again at E3 2018, in anticipation of a launch slated for early next year on PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One.
Lisk has greatly expanded its team in anticipation of its launch on May 24, 2016.
Anticipation of the launch appears high and the optimism of the market looks set to continue Bitcoins ongoing trend of regularly establishing new record levels of value.
Disney Interactive has released the third in a series of gameplay vignettes in anticipation of the launch of «Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of...
Google has launched the cable in anticipation of launching a new cloud - data center region in Tokyo later this year.
Researchers are rushing around this brand - new compound of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in anticipation of the launch of the nation's first X-ray telescope.
It seems like overkill in my opinion, but nonetheless, it's getting a late 2019 debut and, in anticipation of the launch, Disney has already pulled its Marvel movies from rival Netflix.
This year, Liisa is overseeing the viability study of Samm Sammult Grade 2 in anticipation of launching the program next year.
This emulator will enable Android Developers to test and debug apps in anticipation of the launch of the Kindle Fire HD 8.9» next month.
The show will give developers insight on building applications in anticipation of the launch of the new BlackBerry 10 OS later this year.
Both Long and Short ETFs have been established and filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission in the U.S in anticipation of the launch of the CME futures market likely within the next two weeks.
For any subscribers who missed it, here is the first Montgomery Global magazine in anticipation of the launch of our new global products on 1 July 2015.
In anticipation of the launch, the fellas discuss the hardware, the launch lineup, and their plans for March 3rd.
Frankie and Bender entered cryostasis this past week in anticipation of the launch of the Nintendo Switch on March 3rd, and their cryofreeze capsules aren't set to open until Thursday, March 2nd at 11:59 pm.
In anticipation of the launch, Ninty put out a massive 15 minute Nintendo Direct detailing all its features — includi...
Publisher 2K had Battleborn out in force at E3 in anticipation of a launch either in late 2015 or early 2016, and I was able to play one co-op campaign mission with four colleagues from the press.
In anticipation of its launch, the game is now available for pre-order through the Xbox Marketplace.
In anticipation of the launch of Star Wars ™ Battlefront ™ on the PS4 ™ and the Limited Edition PS4 Star Wars Battlefront bundle, PlayStation is excited to share the official commercial.
In anticipation of the launch of the «Initiation» challenge maps campaign, which will be taking place tomorrow, December 3, Warner Bros..
Fizzco has cut corners in anticipation of launching the product, leaving the Overcharge untested and with dangerous — and deadly — repercussions to those who drink it.
In anticipation of the launch of The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt we would like to engage you into the world of the Witcher.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege is having a free - to - play period starting August 24 and ending August 27 in anticipation of the launch of Operation Blood Orchid expansion
Personally, I have been watching this game like a hawk in anticipation of launch but the forced motion controls killed my day one purchase and make me a little angry (if i'm being honest).
Disney has already pulled its Marvel features from rival Netflix in anticipation of the launch.
In anticipation of the launch, nascent Zcash futures markets saw robust trading.
Bitcoin had already been trading up in anticipation of the launch of bitcoin futures on Chicago - based CME, the world's largest derivatives exchange.
We are excited to announce that in anticipation of the launch of Dr. Gottman's new book What Makes Love Last?
This year, Liisa is overseeing the viability study of Samm Sammult Grade 2 in anticipation of launching the program next year.
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