Sentences with phrase «antique camera»

, I am making paintings of antique cameras and film equipment set against stark black and white backgrounds.
The exhibition includes a new body of photographs made from digital cameras Neff built by outfitting desktop scanners with bellows and lenses taken from antique cameras.
He chose a globe, an antique camera, an antler and a potted plant, along with a few books like Mr. Glaeser's.
From an antique camera for a friend who loves photography to a Doctor Who onesie for a Whovian expectant mother, I am a gift - giving fiend.
We love to shop for vintage and antique cameras, so heading out to one of the flea markets or antique shops is a fun little excursion.
I have a thing for antique cameras and typewriters, and you have styled yours beautifully.
Antique cameras, scripts and props decorated the ballroom just upstairs from the Dobly Theatre, where the Oscars were presented earlier Sunday.
Mark is just a regular guy — a photographer — who finds himself in an extraordinary situation when an antique camera he buys at a dusty Afghanistan bazaar produces photographs of future tragedies.
Why not focus on a loved one's hobby, collection or general interest and buy an antique or collectible as a gift — a vintage scarf for a fashion student, an antique camera for the photography buff.
Choosing the same white for both shelves and walls allows prized objects — such as these antique cameras — to stand out.
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