Sentences with word «antisemitism»

Antisemitism is a belief or attitude that promotes discrimination, prejudice, or hatred towards Jewish people. It is based on stereotypes or misinformation and can lead to mistreatment or unfair treatment of individuals of Jewish heritage. Full definition
Her fellow panelist Jonathan Rosenhead from the group «Free Speech on Israel» agreed, describing claims of antisemitism in Labour as a «souffle»
A Conservative spokesperson said: «This is a pretty cheap attempt by a Labour - linked union to distract from the overwhelming evidence of antisemitism in Labour that has emerged in recent weeks.
In 2013 the Anne Frank House published a report on antisemitism in secondary education.
Jeremy Corbyn has set up an independent inquiry into antisemitism within Labour as he battles to assert control over a party in turmoil on the eve of crucial local elections.
This history provides the backdrop and context without which the present antisemitism row can not be understood.
The resentment of the Germans to occupation, reparations, etc., led to a fighting spirit, combined with antisemitism because of hatred of bankers, and you have a lot of what drove the war.
In London, Labour failed to win in Barnet — which would have required a 1.6 % swing — because of voter concerns about antisemitism on the fringes of the party.
«You pledged this week to be an ally in the fight against antisemitism [sic].
He did not refer to what she actually said and proposed no real action to tackle the wider problem of antisemitism within Labour.
Just as damaging to morale was Labour's failure to take, or make the hoped - for headway in, any of the traditional Conservative strongholds in London — Wandsworth, Westminster, and Barnet (where the row over antisemitism in the party had a devastating effect).
Austin also said that it was «completely unfair» for John McDonnell, the shadow chancellor, to appear to blame the former Labour general secretary Iain McNicol for the party's failure to tackle antisemitism in his Today interview this morning.
«I welcome Jennie Formby's recent actions as Labour's new General Secretary to ensure there is no place for antisemitism in the Labour Party.»
For all the controversy about her involvement in Labour's antisemitism inquiry and her subsequent peerage, Shami Chakrabarti is also undoubtedly a highly talented speaker and operator who can only be an asset to Corbyn's team.
The Labour natives were getting restless even before the party was engulfed by antisemitism accusations yet again.
@Rick Source for original a.ssertion: «Dictionary of Antisemitism from the Earliest Times to the Present» — Robert Michael, Philip Rosen
Christian antisemitism also led to many massacres of Jews in Europe.
Then there is the Decree on Ecumenism, and the Declaration on non-Christian Religions with its condemnation of antisemitism which has not yet been destroyed every - where.
Re-igniting the party's long running antisemitism crisis, the Labour leader admitted questioning why graffiti showing Jews with big noses was to be destroyed in 2012.
Writing for the Times of Israel, Shulem Stern noted that some members of his community do not support Israel and avoid reporting antisemitism as «they feel anti-Semitism justifies the foundation of the State of Israel and that their report will help the Zionist cause and endorse its policies which they may not agree with.»
King James wrote his version of the Bible from Martin Luther's re-translation of the Catholic bible, a book which happened to be the first ever written in the German language, he also started antisemitism when he wrote that all Jews should be killed, all there belongings confiscated, and all their churches and schools should be burned (and you thought Hitler said that first right?).
he asked because he didn't know, because antisemitism makes no sense.
He is not an antisemite, as his record of combating antisemitism in Poland shows.
• As an activist who knocked on doors in Barnet for the Labour party, I must take issue with Adam Langleben's assertion that «every Jewish Labour household we visited, people said, «Not this time»» (Labour antisemitism scandal is blamed for Tory victory in «easyCouncil» Barnet, 5 May).
With Westminster obsessions such as antisemitism within Labour never mentioned, according to Grant, the fight is largely being contested in one area: austerity, or more precisely, how national cuts are affecting local services.
I don't dispute that Adam had negative reactions from Jewish voters, or that the perception of Labour party antisemitism played a crucial role in this result.
A separate investigation into antisemitism at the Oxford University Labour club, led by Lady Royall, will feed into the new, wider inquiry.
Born in 1922, the young artist Lucian Freud grew up in Berlin, Germany until he was forced to leave with his family in 1933 to escape the rising tide of antisemitism then sweeping the country.
She insisted that claims of widespread antisemitism in the party were a «a weapon on political mass destruction» which were being deployed to damage Labour's leader.
Representatives of Chelsea Football Club will this week take part in the March of the Living in Poland, the latest activity in our Say No to Antisemitism campaign...
As more research is carried out into the utterances of Kaminski's fellow MEPs and as the spotlight shines on the banalisation of Jew - killing in the second world war and the downplaying of contemporary antisemitism, the Conservatives will regret this alliance which shames British parliamentary democracy.
The Archbishop of Canterbury has said the Church has helped spread antisemitism across the world.
Peter starts his own church where antisemitism is taught and crusaders kill nonbelievers causing others to convert saving them from the fires of hell.
Jon Lansman, the Momentum founder who helped run Corbyn's leadership campaign, said: «A period of silence from Ken Livingstone is overdue, especially on antisemitism racism & Zionism.
The life stories of historical figures and young people's experiences provide insights into what antisemitism and other forms of discrimination mean.
«Jeremy Corbyn himself commissioned the Chakrabarti report, that we're to discuss today, so Jeremy Corbyn himself obviously thought [antisemitism] was there to such an extent that it merited a serious investigation.
The explicit racism and implicit antisemitism of the Trump campaign both spoke to the KKK and white supremacists in general, as did the fact that the Trump campaign employed prominent members of the far - right, and that the campaign interacted positively with white supremacists on social media on multiple occasions.
I could not vote for Labour in the council elections, because I have witnessed the rampant and unremitting antisemitism coming from the Labour environment.»
I will not take an accusation of [being] callous from a man who allows antisemitism to run rife in his own party.»
Facing History and Ourselves equips educators and youth with skills that allow them to confront issues of bigotry and antisemitism through the lens of history.
Asked if he had ever witnessed antisemitism during his time in the party, Corbyn said he had, but that it was a long time ago and not in his constituency of Islington North.
«Labour is an anti-racist party to its core and has a long and proud history of standing against racism, including antisemitism.
The Labour leader is facing a huge backlash from fellow politicians and the Jewish community over perceived failures to root out antisemitism... More
The choice was much starker in Poland than anywhere else and in Poland religious based antisemitism was stronger than in liberal western Europe that claimed the Enlightenment.
Her peerage was met with criticism from MPs and prominent antisemitism organisations who questioned her independence.
Leaflets calling for the expulsion of the Jewish Labour Movement from Labour being handed out on way into Momentum's antisemitism meeting.
«I don't actually agree with the comrade at the other end of the room on there being a specific left antisemitism,» he said
Antisemitism undermines and distorts this truth: it is the negation of God's plan for his creation and is therefore a denial of God himself.»
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