Sentences with phrase «anxiety circuit in the brain»

The results suggested that Tye had located an anxiety circuit in the brain that could someday be targeted by drugs.
UNC School of Medicine researchers map the anxiety circuit in the brain and use a compound to limit fearful behavior — an acute side effect of commonly prescribed SSRI antidepressants.

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Correspondingly, they found that neural circuits in the brain that contribute significantly to the control of anxiety and social interactions were significantly affected in the immune - activated mice.
A previous experiment found that sweat from skydivers activated anxiety circuits in sniffers» brains.
But when Tye switched on the light and activated the circuit in her subject's brain, the mouse ventured out, exploring the open part of the maze with no visible anxiety.
Having worked on emotions for many years — pain, stress, anxiety, depression — in the midst of a strong emotion, I can think about specific brain circuits being activated.
Science has proven that social exchanges change the neurotransmitter and circuit activity in your brain which decreases stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms and ups those calm and happy feelings.
Food is a powerful motivator in counter conditioning because there are circuits in the brain that turn on the hunting circuits in a dog's brain and turn off the fear and anxiety circuits.
For positive emotional faces, considering the spreading effects of activation of secure base schema, it was assumed that both levels (high and low) of attachment anxiety are associated with increased activities in brain circuits that are responsible for positive emotions and the regions belonging to the reward system.
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