Sentences with phrase «anxious about going to school»

Not exact matches

And be open to hearing what your child has to say about school so that if he does get anxious - if things are going wrong once school starts, for example - he can come to you to talk about it.
If your child is anxious about going to a classmate's birthday party, school party, family lunch or dinner and tries to avoid it, always, he may have social anxiety disorder.
As time goes by, your child may get used to school but still feel anxious about participating.
(Kids aren't the only ones anxious about going back to school!)
You might be frustrated at how best to achieve greater diversity in a profession that remains too white, middle - class, and male to differing degrees in differing parts; you might be anxious about how you are going to pay your way through law school and how much debt you are going to have at the end of it; alternatively, you might well be vexed about the oversupply of graduates who never achieve legal careers; you might be concerned about preserving the unique identity of your profession (as many at the Bar are); or you might just want to ensure that new recruits in law firms have a basic grip of the fundamentals and can do something useful on day one.
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