Sentences with phrase «anyone about anything»

Bottom line, I am able to talk to anyone about anything.
Part of it is natural — are you the kind of person that can talk to anyone about anything?
I like the sound of silence, but I can also sit down and talk to almost anyone about anything.
Great tips for making a #pitch to anyone about anything, especially #authors.
He's recognizably Barack, with the same «no drama» attitude and the same ability to converse with anyone about anything.
I'm into a whole bunch of books and movies and can chat with anyone about anything!
I just don't tie to anyone about anything.
Even if basic research DID convince all the health professionals about breastfeeding, they are going to need a complete sea change in their mentality before they are the right people to depend on to empower anyone about anything.
It has NOTHING to do with educating anyone about anything.
Cool moms don't tell anyone about anything.
What does that say about it's true power, its «clear message» with respect to judging anyone about anything?
I rarely argue with anyone about anything.
How dare the Pope dictate morality to anyone about anything when so many his own priests, friars, bishops, etc, are Monsters.

Not exact matches

Anyone who's read or heard anything about diversity in tech is familiar with the pipeline problem: the fact that women and under - represented minorities don't pursue STEM degrees at the same rate as men.
Their bots are useless, their support and customer service is non-existent, and God help anyone who really needs timely answers from these people about anything important.
Their actions are open for everyone to see; they don't have to worry about hiding anything from anyone, nor do you have to worry about them hiding anything from you.
That should come to no surprise to anyone who has ever flown Virgin Atlantic or knows anything about Sir Richard at all.
When I first launched User Insight, I didn't tell anyone anything about the company's financials.
«The relevant questions now — beyond how it may impact the van der Zwaan sentencing — are whether Gates related this connection to anyone else relevant in the Trump orbit, did that person lie to OSC about the issue, did the Trump campaign get anything of value from the Russians, and similar inquiries,» he said.
And I've kind of given up on reading anything that anyone writes about Tumblr.
free guide containing pretty much anything anyone ever wanted to know about building and running customer service — all in one place.
Don't fall into the habit of assuming anything about anyone simply on the basis of his or her look.
How likely is anyone to believe VW about anything right now?
For about six years, Facebook does a surprisingly adept job of sidestepping major controversies, giving Zuckerberg less reason to tell anyone he's sorry about anything.
He says, «Nobody learned anything by hearing themselves talk, or speak,» and he goes on to say, «The ability to lock in and listen is a skill that has served me well in life,» says Branson, «Although, it seems to be a dying art, I believe that listening is one of the most important skills for any teacher, parent, leader, entrepreneur, or just about anyone who has a pulse.»
I think the dollar could run quite a bit further before anyone did anything about it.
He then goes on to assert that it is simply not true that strength and weakness in gold stocks tells us anything about the future performance of gold, which as anyone with a little bit of experience in trading this sector knows is incorrect, even if he tries to support his claim with presumably carefully cherry - picked statistics.
Anyone who knows anything about acting knows this is a classic improv technique and not some comparison to God, religion or even Obama's track record as the President.
Things are different now... people don't want to hear all that forgiveness stuff he talked about and they certainly don't want to confront anyone that has anything against them.
Re the christian and religion bashing, when are we going to realize that anyone can do about anything in the name of religion, from extreme evil to extreme charity.
Anyone who knows anything about Billy Graham or his life's work should know that he is about offering people the information about God's love and that ultimately, it is a personal decision.
In order for our witness to mean anything to ourselves, our kids, or anyone who might darken our doors, we have to think about the culture we live in and what makes it particularly hostile to orthodox belief — as well as ways in which people around us might be uniquely susceptible to aspects of our faith that are true.
If anyone really wanted to know anything about anything they could go and learn but that means doing something other then watching tv, and the mindless zombies we have bcome would never allow that!
So whatever Fred Phelps believes or fishon or me or anyone else doesn't say anything about the God of Christianity.
No surprise in the academic world, as the authors themselves state, and frankly not that surprising to anyone who understands anything about people.
Does anyone do anything about it?
It's as though you aren't really interested in examining your beliefs, as though the validity of them is entirely meaningless, and you only care about holding them in lieu of anything anyone else says.
... i know your book says don't believe anything else before or after to protect its place in history, but just as you would read greek mythology and have incredulous thoughts about multigods ruling the earth water and the undergrounds, those who are not stuck on your wavelength, read your mythology and think how anyone in their right minds could ever fall for those idolatric stories... your belief in your creationist god is as unfathomable as an adult looking up the chimney and feeling the power of Santa Clause in them... does the power of Santa Clause compel you?
I've said it before that textual criticism should be a required study before anyone says anything about the Bible, because it clears up any obvious misunderstandings just like this.
(Even then it is just your opinion) And because there are no objective standards, then you waive the right to tell anyone that they are wrong about anything.
I wouldn't want anyone to conclude that I know anything about or am an authority on any of the issues beyond what everyone else can read and watch on TV.
Now if the Bible could be so wrong about a clear ethical failure of slavery, what makes anyone think it has anything to say about sexual orientation or women's rights?
REVELATION 22:19 And if anyone takes anything away from the words of the scroll of this prophesy, god will take his portion away from the trees of life and out the holly city, things which are written about in this scroll.
You can try to prevent anyone from saying anything about Him.
Think about it — not one single part of that story is confirmed by anything anyone has seen or touched.
Anyone who knows anything at all about the scientific method is laughing uncontrollably right now.
When else in the history of the Church would anyone care what a happy - clappy bleeding - heart mum from western Canada thinks about anything?
Will anyone have noticed anything slightly shining about their faces, upon which the radiance has shone?
Anyone who knows anything about the autism spectrum knows that like NTs, no two Aspies are exactly alike,
Why is it that you can mock, hate, make fun of, call names etc about others, but when anyone says anything back to you, you whine about them not acting Christian like?
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