Sentences with phrase «anything about belief»

He did not say anything about belief in God.
Alan — «nice try», but you don't understand anything about this belief system.
Translation: «As Christians we really can't prove anything about our belief, therefore we must point out in others how they fail at following our popular religion and what people traditionally associated with it.
@Jake yeah I totally understand what you're saying, but if he didn't say anything about his beliefs, then I don't think he should be fired since he is being respectful of others beliefs and it probably wouldn't effect his work.
He's never actually said anything about his beliefs; he just hates atheists and misrepresents them.

Not exact matches

This line from the musical Cabaret is emblematic of a entire cluster of beliefs about how money is way more important than anything else.
There is no requirement of a certain level of knowledge about logic or arguments, just anything short of belief.
In order for our witness to mean anything to ourselves, our kids, or anyone who might darken our doors, we have to think about the culture we live in and what makes it particularly hostile to orthodox belief — as well as ways in which people around us might be uniquely susceptible to aspects of our faith that are true.
If you know anything about the history of the bible you know it was created by many writers, compiled and edited by Roman emperors, added to, translated, interpreted and actually pretty much ignored — except for a few sentences that sound old fashioned that people use to justify their beliefs and actions.
He said that the latest study (Professor Jordan Grafman, from the US National Inst - itute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke in Bethesda,) suggests the brain is inherently sensitive to believing in almost anything if there are grounds for doing so, but when there is a mystery about something, the same neural machinery is co-opted in the formulation of religious belief.
Lol, Marky, your irrational belief is kooky (and you know it) so you'll talk about anything but that, won't you?
It was not uncommon for people to believe in the cyclops, or the sirens until christianity took over, outlawed that belief and as.serted its own» = > the fact that people believed all kinds of things does nt imply anything about other beliefs.
I would argue that any further knowledge of / about God can not happen if you remain behind the line of belief, whether you can factually prove anything empirically (that you can make God prove Himself at will) or use the vehicle of myth, legend, story or subjective and very personal experiences too extraordinary for words to fully convey.
It's as though you aren't really interested in examining your beliefs, as though the validity of them is entirely meaningless, and you only care about holding them in lieu of anything anyone else says.
«the fact that people believed all kinds of things does nt imply anything about other beliefs
... i know your book says don't believe anything else before or after to protect its place in history, but just as you would read greek mythology and have incredulous thoughts about multigods ruling the earth water and the undergrounds, those who are not stuck on your wavelength, read your mythology and think how anyone in their right minds could ever fall for those idolatric stories... your belief in your creationist god is as unfathomable as an adult looking up the chimney and feeling the power of Santa Clause in them... does the power of Santa Clause compel you?
He has no strong ideas and beliefs about anything, and he's nothing but a slicked back, millionaire politician.
It's not that I do nt believe there is possibly anything, a force, something, but I feel slightly uncomfortable about absolute belief to some guy, or «just know jesus loves you..»
A person learns another is an atheist or a Christian, and they automatically refuse to understand anything more about that person because they can't look past their belief system or respect their ideals.
No, I was not inquiring about anything I was commenting about how some Atheists do not have any place in their belief system for mysteries.
The stuffy materialism, the lack of purpose, the uncertainty about moral values and the collapse of belief in anything beyond the tomb, are not in themselves a rejection of Christianity so much as a cri de cœur the truth of the Gospel.
Then you have no business telling anyone anything about scripture at all, because scripture doesn't support that belief anymore than it supports your belief that gays are doomed to hell or that Jews will burn in a lake of fire.
To rationalize a belief in God or a non belief in God using one's rational thinking brain, prevents it from knowing anything about God.
The liberal voices in the churches have long been reluctant to say anything too critical about fundamentalists, on the grounds that they have every right to live by the beliefs they feel most comfortable with.
Guess what twit he did not say anything that demeaning just explaining what happened... If you don't like God than why post on a blog about belief?
Where is anything in my statement that says ANYTHING about YOU and YOUR beliefs, that is was absurd, or anythianything in my statement that says ANYTHING about YOU and YOUR beliefs, that is was absurd, or anythiANYTHING about YOU and YOUR beliefs, that is was absurd, or anythinganything else?
The article doesn't say anything about the POTUS belief in the sermon on the mount.
The issue for me is not about Romney's religious beliefs, it more my belief Romney will say and do anything to become President.
He never said anything about forcing beliefs or trying to control the physical world.
And, if we know anything about human nature, we know we have a desire for certainty, a fear of being wrong, a tendency to difine ourselves by our beliefs and to identify those like - minded, the «us» of the them / us divide.
But while Nietzsche's comment is unfair it is also deeply perceptive: Eliot does become ever more passionate about the moral life as her belief in anything transcendent evaporates.
Anyone that knows anything about him knows that those are his beliefs.
One has the distinct impression that reality has very little to do with Bishop Robinson's beliefs about marriage, or anything else.
We have a free country and we can say or do just about anything we want to do but in the end, and it doesn't matter what your religious belief (s) is / are — we will all answer to GOD.
The author basically states the movement isn't about any particular belief or anything positive — but is a reaction to other people's beliefs.
Sorry, but that kind of doctrine, and the threat of eternal torture is why many are leaving, and many others are just thinking critically about their beliefs, and finding that it is illogical, immoral, divisive, and incapable of presenting anything resembling evidence to it's own «thruthfullness».
talk to me about what, if anything, he does believe now; what his opinions / feelings about MY beliefs are; what he wants our children to learn and believe in the future; etc..
to J.W. and fred — i think its rather silly to argue anything as fact if its cleary thought based (i.e. lacking proof / evidence) when asked about the where did we come from or how the universe (whatever) i always answer with i don't know, but then i pose an idea — i state openly thats its only an idea... if any one of you religions folks would simple agree to the FACT that what you BELIEVE is real is REALLY only an idea until proven (much like evolution) then i would find much more pleasing conversations beyond the realm of atheists... but alas, i am still waiting — i found some but most are imovible in there beliefs that god is real, provable, and most def.
My point about Hindus is that they manage to fit their gods into the natural universe just as easily as Christians do, which tells me that there really isn't anything in science favouring the belief in God particularly.
I thought I was missing something so I talked to Pastors, Bishops and anyone that would talk about their beliefs, I concluded that I hadn't missed anything, please generally believe because that's what they were taught as children and was never told otherwise.
It stands to reason that an all knowing eternal God could predict what you and I would believe no before He made and thus have already know whether we would except him or not And I'm not sure what you trying to say by that And because we want to tell others about Him and be used by Him to reach others And that commit does not make any sense, but clearly God is not a punk, as I have already demonstrated And your main point, as I already explained is false No, but my belief is true, none the less, it is by definition virtually impossible to prove anything And no, I don't need knee pads.
The religion is the belief about supernatural nonsense, the rules are not tied to anything supernatural.
(Again am not saying anything about Luther * an * beliefs, of which I know very little, other than the fact that they don't believe in predestination in the way that Luther did.
No you tell me which is worse, a person who has no belief in ANYTHING, even not in them self, Or someone who is confident about their religion and them self that goes out of their way to help?
I think if anything this country would be a mormon country since it was founded here... but since mythology is all myths lets all be happy we live in a country where people can believe what they wish and be open about it yet those beliefs based on nothing more then each persons personal «experiences» which are questionable at best have little impact on the government which dictates the laws we live by... WRONG!
IMO that religious ignorance stems from Christian belief that their faith is the only «correct» religion and all others are wrong, so why bother learning anything about them.
It's amazing how defensive and critical non-Christians feel they have to be towrds anything about the Chritian belief system.
I am definitely open to being wrong here... and maybe I'm missing something, but... I don't think the Consti tution says anything about people can't vote their (religious) beliefs.
Vic al your posts... «This is all based on the belief»...: never let the facts get in the way of anything you are fantasizing about.
Mind, the self, personality, is real; it emerges from any physical dependence into a world of its own; it is essentially unlike anything physical, and what Bertrand Russell says about man seems to me incredible: «his origin, his growth, his hopes and fears, his loves and beliefs are but the outcome of accidental collocations of atoms.»
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