Sentences with phrase «anything about his behavior»

would it change anything about your behavior?
«A dog's physical appearance can not tell observers anything about its behavior.
Did it teach them anything about its behavior?
I have played along (by not saying anything about his behavior) mostly just to see how far he would take things.
A dog's appearance can not tell observers anything about their behavior; even dogs of identical appearance and the same breed often have very different behavioral traits.
Most animals come to us as strays, so we don't have behavioral history for them and we can't guarantee anything about their behavior.
Had the plaintiff been looking at the defendant, he would not have seen anything about her behavior that would have led him to believe that she would not yield to him.

Not exact matches

There is much that could be said about this, but I will stick with one thing, based on discussion at about the 2 minute mark: When atheists insist that atheism does not drive behavior, and then then campaign on behalf of atheism, ridicule religion and religious believers in the name of atheism, seek to change laws in favor of their atheistic positions, recommend the extermination of religion, and practice falsehoods like Dawkins's in support of atheism, they prove that their atheism drives their behavior and that their premise is false, disingenuous, and (as far as I can tell) useless for anything but giving atheism rhetorical cover from being implicated in atheists» atrocities.
If I forget to lock my door, you are still a thief if you enter my house and take anything... meaning, the banks still chose to engage in the risky behavior that caused the financial meltdown... and yes, they knew it would happen, but as long as they made enough money in the short term, who needs to care about the long term?
Education during pregnancy rarely has anything serious to do with breastfeeding, and since breastfeeding is perceived by most pre-parenthood women to be a natural, instinctive thing instead of a learned behavior (on both mom & baby's part) if it doesn't go absolutely perfectly from the first moments they may feel something is wrong with THEM and clam up about it while quietly giving the baby the hospital - offered bottle along with the bag of formula samples they give out «just in case» even if you explicitly tell them you're breastfeeding (which was my experience with my firstborn in 2004 and one of the many highly informed reasons I chose to birth my next two at home).
When a child starts exhibiting behavior problems, parents will try anything they can think of to get a handle on the situation: consequences for negative behavior; rewards for positive behavior; behavior charts; talking about the behavior; talking about how to change the behavior; ignoring the behavior in the hope it will stop if you don't give it attention; talking about positive ways your child can get your attention.
Whether you noticed advanced behaviors in your child or others have pointed them out to you, chances are you are left wondering what, if anything, you should do about it.
What I found most disturbing about such reports is the number that involve either discriminatory behavior by coaches or their failure to do anything to stop it.
If he is feedings more than eight to 12 times a day and anything else about his behavior is worrying you I feel like the best cause of action is to see an experienced International Board Certified Lactation Consultant to help determine what is going on and whether it's just a variation of normal.
In essence, it offers some great insights as well as tips on reinforcing that great behavior (bringing mommy her crutches) and discouraging the negative stuff (screaming «no» from across the room when asked to wash hands because she knows mommy can't get up and do anything about it).
When to worry and what to do (if anything) about toddler behaviors such as head banging, thumb - sucking, nose picking, and mastu...
When I feel like I'm about to explode — and their behavior isn't anything dangerous — I go and lock myself in the bathroom, sit and breathe for a bit.
At that time, I didn't know anything about attachment or how important breastfeeding behaviors are to the mother - baby emotional bond — that breastfeeding is the very model of attachment, as explained by Attachment Parenting International's co-founders Barbara Nicholson and Lysa Parker in their book, Attached at the Heart.
Your baby is also learning that his behaviors, both the ones you like and the ones you don't, engage you, so starting now (and for years to come) he'll do just about anything to get your attention.
Get over trying to infer anything at all about the results of an election actually constraining the behavior of the majority party.
There is not anything inherent about the behavior of the H1N1 virus.
Indeed, the scientific literature on the subject seems to teach very little, except for the tedious fact that it is difficult to say anything rigorously scientific about human behavior — particularly aggression.
The study's authors even argue that the findings could shed light on the evolutionary origins of our own species» behavior, although others aren't convinced the results imply anything about people.
Frank grows concerned as Bianca's behavior becomes increasingly more erratic and dangerous - but he'll do just about anything to show her a great time.
September 12, 2012 • Online reviews of restaurants, travel deals, apps and just about anything you want to buy have become a powerful driver of consumer behavior.
What makes the story interesting is the type of data this employee stole, data that was so important that FBI got involved; it wasn't anything to do with the game's code or the company's structure, but, rather, information about player behavior, including how users spend money in the game.
She didn't break the «rules» of behavior in a slasher movie (Jamie Kennedy never said anything about chain - smoking, so she gets a pass).
I call it baffling because the idea that we can assume anything at all about a student based on a single dimension of her or his identity or that all people in the hugely diverse population of people in poverty universally share the same beliefs, attitudes, values, and behaviors is nonsensical.
Keep them informed about school events, classroom procedures, educational strategies, assignment dates, behavior, academic progress, or anything school related.
No, according to the GAO's Nowicki: «We did not hear anything about teachers feeling less safe when they were using practices aimed at correcting inappropriate behavior in a non-exclusionary way.»
Many are afraid to say anything about the bad behavior of these self - publishers because the immature have a tendency to strike back irrationally, taking things out of context, being rude, and try to apply everything they say against all self - publishers even though they are clearly only speaking about some, and the others blindly support them because they band together as one homogeneous group without realizing it is these bad apples who are destroying the reputation of the rest.
Before giving your pet away, ask yourself if there is anything about your pet's behavior or personality that could be worked on in order for you to keep him.
A stray animal may make a fine pet, but usually little if anything is known about its past, making its future behavior less predictable.
Make sure that you tell your groomer anything in particular about your pet such as their behavior around other animals and / or their dislike of certain grooming instruments.
Please let us know whenever you have questions or concerns, about health, behavior, or anything else.
This means you will have to be very vigilant about the normal behavior of your puppy so that you can easily identify anything that is amiss as it grows old.
The key to training a dog to do anything anywhere is all about generalizing behaviors and proofing with distractions.
Anyone who knows anything about the former guardian of these dogs... the person who may have been responsible for this monstrous act... or who saw unusual behavior along southtown roads and highways Sunday, Nov. 8, is encouraged to contact us.»
Before prescribing anything, a homeopathic veterinarian will question you about your dog's lifestyle, diet, and behavior.
We make no pretense of being veterinarians and we don't know anything about your specific cat's health or behavior history.
We will contact you to clarify any questions we may have and assist in setting up an appointment at a volunteer's home or be invited to an adoption event where a knowledgeable member of our volunteer staff will be available to answer questions about behavior, training, veterinary care, how to deal with introductions to current pets, and anything else you can think of.
If you have a question about health, behavior, habitats, care, or anything else about your newly adopted pet, remember we are here to help!
Allergies be damned, I sought out, played with, and trained any animal I had contact with long before I knew anything about formal animal training and behavior.
We have struggled with the house breaking part of their training as we both work hours at a time, the puppies behavior has escalated from potty accidents to now destroying pee pads and anything they find, I should explain, when we leave for 3 hours at a time, they are left in an enclosed area of the house about 6 ft by 6 ft with their toys, water and pee pads, we also live in a small apartment on the second floor.
I don't know anything about how pet stores operate in Italy, or even outside of New York City — and very little on how things have changed since I worked at one in the 1990s — but it's been my experience that most behavior problems in young puppies come from being sent home too early by the breeder.
The good news is that licking isn't harmful, and the behavior isn't anything to worry about unless it just annoys you — or your guests — to the point that you'd like to find a way to put a stop to it.
Often, they are turned out not only because of their behavior, but also due to the lack of financial means for their owners to do anything about it.
If you have ANY trouble understanding anything, or if your dog growls or snaps at your for any reason, you need to enlist the help of a trainer who has knowledge about leadership behavior.
I was young and idealistic and loved dogs more than anything, but I didn't know much about behavior science or positive training methods — popular culture is so focused on the «alpha dog» thing, even now, but it was even more prevalent back then.
This term simply describes the presentation of the aggressive behavior and does not tell us anything about the underlying cause.
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