Sentences with phrase «anything about justice»

Can the legal profession do anything about this justice gap?
What I'd like to ask is this: Does YOUR church Web site say anything about justice?
(One young woman from a mainline church put it this way: «I wasn't learning anything about justice or creation care in church that I wasn't learning in school.

Not exact matches

In his 68 - page finding, Chen was careful to note that saying the plaintiffs constitute a class — one that potentially now includes a majority of Uber's 160,000 U.S. - based drivers — doesn't say anything about whether those plaintiffs have justice on their side when it comes to the merit of their suit.
People have the right to leave church and organized religion, they have a right to question an institution that will do anything to save face even if it means letting children be harmed (and trust me, there are Priests that have issues with girls - my mom when to an all girls» Catholic school in the 60s and talks about how many of the priests used to «hang out» with the young girls out and girls have been abused), churches that are not practicing social justice.
Although it is a byproduct of worship, which exists for its own sake, constant exposure to words, actions and roles within the worshiping community does more to reinforce a Christian's attitudes about justice than anything else the church does (see my articles «The Words of Worship: Beyond Liturgical Sexism,» Dec. 13, 1978, and «The Actions of Worship: Beyond Liturgical Sexism,» May 7, 1980).
It seems that, in the midst of black Christian outcry in 2013, the majority of white Christians pressed the snooze button on racial justice, sleepwalking into their churches where an individualistic gospel that doesn't call them to say or do anything about racial injustice is preached, where white culture, rather than Christ, reigns supreme, and where the problems and perspectives of black people are ignored.
Bishop Harris is a living, breathing reminder that just about anything can happen when two or three are gathered in the spirit of justice.
Jesus is indignant that the scribes and Pharisees (1) will not enter the kingdom of heaven themselves and stand in the way of others entering it as well; (2) will do almost anything to win a proselyte only to make that proselyte twice as much a child of hell as they are; (3) confuse people by senseless oaths, telling them that if they swear by the Temple, their oath is not binding, but if they swear by the gold of the Temple, it is binding - the fools ought to realize, Jesus says, that the Temple includes all that is in it; (4) tithe some of their money but neglect justice and mercy and faith, which are weightier moral matters, when they ought both to tithe and perform these greater acts of righteousness as well; (5) are careful about outward cleanliness but careless about the inward disposition, so that they are filled with extortion and greed; (6) appear righteous but really are hypocrites, because their appearance hides all manner of iniquity inside; (7) pretend to revere the prophets of history whom their parents killed but continue to practice the evil of their parents by rejecting those whom God sends to them now (Matt.
A systematic cover up by the Catholic church possibly going back 70 years... I forget, did the article say anything about charges being brought for obstruction of justice?
«In this environment, anyone can ask about anything, but the fact is the longstanding practice of detailing staff from Agencies to work in the Executive Chamber dates back over 50 years to at least the Rockefeller administration and extends to the White House and the federal Department of Justice,» he said.
«In this environment, anyone can ask about anything, but the fact is the longstanding practice of detailing staff from agencies to work in the Executive Chamber dates back over 50 years to at least the Rockefeller administration and extends to the White House and the federal Department of Justice,» Azzopardi said in a statement.
«To drain a swamp, you need an Army Corps of Engineers, experts schooled in service and serious purpose, not do - nothing, say - anything, neophyte opportunists who know a lot about how to bully and bluster, but not so much about truth, justice and fairness.»
«I said «excuse me, he was tried with rape,» pause, «for the second time,» pause,» Krueger recalled to Gotham Gazette, ««It seems to me that if you have anything to say publicly about this, it's let justice be fair and swift.
Justice Secretary claimed he did not say anything about rape sentencing that Ed Miliband would not agree with.
I have recently graduated from CSUS with a BS in Criminal Justice and am currently thinking about going back to Sacramento City College for an AA or minor in accounting (if you know anything about accounting or anything like that and could help me find classes, tutor me etc. you would be the...
He posted a thread on his Twitter page explaining he can't so much as mention anything related to the DC Extended Universe without fans getting into a war of words about Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice.
Although most teachers are concerned about students» critical engagement in our media - frenzied world, some teachers and students reject the idea that social justice has anything to do with literacy and learning.
Will the Justice Department do anything about it?
I mean, think about this: the only Nintendo franchise that hasn't gotten backlash thus far was F - Zero, and even though I believe it will still turn out great and do the series justice, it also at the same time doesn't seem to do anything to ADVANCE the series gameplay wise.
«If justice and equality are about anything,» Marshall told me, «they are about a kind of balance.»
The Argersinger rule also tends to impair the proper functioning of the criminal justice system in that trial judges, in advance of hearing any evidence and before knowing anything about the case except the charge, all too often will be compelled to forgo the legislatively granted option to impose a sentence of imprisonment upon conviction.
Driving to a meeting yesterday, listening to BBC via my local NPR station, I almost went off the road as I heard Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia come on the air and express his doubts about whether anything in the Constitution would prohibit torture of a suspect who may pose a threat to public safety.
Shauna Mireau asks, «Does it say anything about access to justice in Canada that civil claim monetary limits for our small claims courts are generally quite substantial sums?».
Does it say anything about access to justice in Canada that civil claim monetary limits for our small claims courts are generally quite substantial sums?
I would interpret it as being a good choice to not obstruct the justice and tell anything you know about who bought, who were drinking who organized, etc..
Sam Glover: Are you able to say anything about the potential burden on the justice system that CRT may have taken up?
See my comments at bottom and you will see why it is hard, for me at least, too put much stock in anything OTLA lawyers say about these concrete access to justice issues.
I couldn't find anything, academic or otherwise, about the interrogatory proclivities of Supreme Court of Canada justices.
Somewhere in this great land of ours, a young child heard his well - meaning parents utter the homily, «If you can't say anything nice about someone, don't say anything at all,» and thought, «By God, one day I am going to grow up to be a great Contracts Lawyer and make sure that this phrase is carved into the walls of our hallowed halls of justice, preferably right behind the judges» bench.»
But what, if anything, does the decision tell us about the court's possible approach to summary processes in the administrative justice system?
Indeed, I have argued that his arguments against judicial review of legislation and Justice Scalia's in favour of limiting judicial review to the enforcement of the original meaning of the constitution are very similar, and that, if anything, «Justice Scalia and his fellow originalists are guilty of failing to follow the logical implications of their own views about the nature of the questions that arise in judicial review.
Will we hear anything about Access to Justice?
love and miss my daughter so much she is 10 years old and her mom my ex girlfriend isn't allowing her to talk text facetime Skype message me and my mother they're in texas I live in honolulu hi really can't stand this courts can't do anything too lawyers say nothing they can do either where's the justice this isn't right she doesn't answer my phone calls texts or emails either it has been about two months since I last spoke with my daughter I'm so upset and angry to be treated this way I want my daughter in my life too she won't even let me pick her up to spend summer with me unless she says so because she's her mom please help me please this just isn't right my daughter misses my mom and me I just know she does but her mom is brainwashing her against me and my family help me please to correct this situation immediately
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