Sentences with phrase «anything about the global temperature»

The most important thing is that global warming should be seen — precisely — globally, because as it gets cold in a larger area around us, it does not tell anything about the global temperature.
It may well turn out to be true, but the point is not that science can or has said anything about global temperatures, the point is that the «scientific» account that Hari gives is intended to make statements about those who would interpret things differently.

Not exact matches

The study shows that by century's end, absent serious reductions in global emissions, the most extreme, once - in -25-years heat waves would increase from wet - bulb temperatures of about 31 C to 34.2 C. «It brings us close to the threshold» of survivability, he says, and «anything in the 30s is very severe.»
[Response: I suspect another common confusion here: the abrupt glacial climate events (you mention the Younger Dryas, but there's also the Dansgaard - Oeschger events and Heinrich events) are probably not big changes in global mean temperature, and therefore do not need to be forced by any global mean forcing like CO2, nor tell us anything about the climate sensitivity to such a global forcing.
In post # 684 you said - «Obviously you've never read anything about volcanos» effect on global temperature.
Obviously you've never read anything about volcanos» effect on global temperature.
However, I am not persuaded there is anything unusual about the global temperatures of climate.
Though a 1 C rise in global temperature may not tell us anything about global climate - temperature is not really something which effect humans or life, whereas patterns rainfall, would be more relevant than average global temperature.
There are certainly no available figures that describe the sensitivity of the global temperature to variations in solar input and without knowing that level of sensitivity as a first step I fail to see how we can know anything useful about the sensitivity of the Earth to other influences
They don't have their flight wings yet, so anything they say about the causes of global temperatures and the future of global temperatures should not be considered valid.
He found that Pinatubo eruption was followed by a global temperature drop, did not know anything about ENSO oscillations, and pronounced the observed cooling to be volcanic.
If the global average temperature during the YD was only about 0.6 C cooler than the Holocene Altithermal (see Shakun & Carlson), then it's hard to see how the cold NH / warm SH YD was anything * other * than an energy redistribution.
When I started looking at this topic the first thing that struck me was just how much time is spent in the blogosphere debating the effects (real or imagined) of global temperature rise and how little time seemed to be spent on the key evidential science; as though retreating glaciers, arctic sea - ice or coral bleaching said anything about causality.
If we get to this point, we then have to ask if the system currently used to calculate global surface temperatures actually tells us anything of value about the heat energy at the surface.
By not rejecting the null hypothesis this does not say anything about the validity of the null — the null being that there is no trend in global temperatures since 1995.
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