Sentences with phrase «anything about the story»

Heck... has anything about this story yet reveal anything «shocking» or illegal beyond the butler being the one to really do something illegal?
Radcliffe says he hasn't heard anything about the story for the upcoming spinoff movie, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, but he's confident in Eddie Redmayne, the star of the movie, and his ability.
I really enjoyed it, I didn't really know anything about the story, which is a good thing, as I really got into it, and was quite gripped by it.
one could ask why i never reported anything about this story.
I've been hearing this movie advertised on my local Christian radio station and I didn't know anything about the story.
I don't want to say anything about the story: it is obvious that the language used in game is worthy of a writer, yet there is no story - and the reason is obvious: it is a parody and a homage (all in one) to Classical RPG, so a deep Story in this game would probably be spoiling it rather than giving something to it.
We don't know anything about the story, but the script is by Hill, McBride, and John Carcieri.
Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone — I saw this without having read any of the books or knowing anything about the story, other than the very basics of boy goes to wizard school.
Then again, not many said anything about the story here, because it's the start of the series, and there's nothing really to compare or refer to for such ratings.
It grabs your attention before you even know anything about the story.
However, yet you will come across several eBook covers that don't look right or attractive, let alone communicate anything about the story.
It is hardly possible to write a good essay without knowing anything about the story itself.
I can't tell you anything about the story, not even the title, until the results are announced at the end of August.
You won't remember anything about the story once you're done playing the game, as it's just another «Robotnik wants to rule the world» and you're off to stop him from getting all the Chaos emeralds.
We don't know the actual setting or the anything about the story at all.
NOTE: If you don't want to know anything about Story Mode before June 2nd, then don't watch after the 3 - minute mark.
To say anything about these stories would spoil the incredible experience that awaits you but I can safely say this is the best Battlefield single player campaign ever.
After it, we have received only one gameplay trailer and a few statements on the development, but in reality, we barely know anything about the story -LSB-...]

Not exact matches

But the use of this story is anything but: «One of the great things about the catalyst story is it's a great way to help your people understand some of the change you want to surface at your company,» Gittins said.
The Enquirer, which endorsed Trump and has published negative stories about his opponents, has not published anything about the affair, nor have any other American Media publications.
Almost anything would help,» TIME explained in an Aug. 20, 1965, cover story about the riots.
If you know anything about Robbins's personal story, however, you might know that his childhood was pretty rough: His parents divorced when he was 7 years old.
The fact someone clicked on something doesn't really mean anything and advertising is increasingly about telling convincing stories that are worth the viewer's time.
Whether it's by giving tips on productivity or marketing, sharing experiences about challenges and startup stories, or something else that's relevant; we'll talk about anything that supports coworkers and coworking spaces!
As a matter of fact, the story behind your startup idea is much more fascinating than anything about the numbers.
How is this story about Satanists squaring off on anything other than who is a legitimate Satanist?
I would argue that any further knowledge of / about God can not happen if you remain behind the line of belief, whether you can factually prove anything empirically (that you can make God prove Himself at will) or use the vehicle of myth, legend, story or subjective and very personal experiences too extraordinary for words to fully convey.
We do not know anything about the days of Noah other than remnants of a symbolic picture language that brought the story forward and was recorded by Moses in about 1,400 BC.
... i know your book says don't believe anything else before or after to protect its place in history, but just as you would read greek mythology and have incredulous thoughts about multigods ruling the earth water and the undergrounds, those who are not stuck on your wavelength, read your mythology and think how anyone in their right minds could ever fall for those idolatric stories... your belief in your creationist god is as unfathomable as an adult looking up the chimney and feeling the power of Santa Clause in them... does the power of Santa Clause compel you?
The story to watch is Breaking Bad and True Detective, two shows about good guys going bad, bad guys going good, and women — well, women not doing a whole lot of anything.
Think about it — not one single part of that story is confirmed by anything anyone has seen or touched.
It's not like a thousand eyewitness accounts of an event, where they'd vary in the details but generally agree on the most important aspects, it's more like a thousand people who were asked to right a short story about anything they wanted.
It's a story about the Guardians and isn't meant to lead to anything else.
The leadership of the Catholic church reminds me more of the «Animal Farm» story then anything you will read about in Mathew, Mark or Luke.
Please don't listen to these people on here they have so many different views and ideas of their own but don't listen to them they have closed their heart to God and are doing Satans work of misleading people away from the Almighty they look for men who like to have their ears tickled so don't take mine our anyone else's word for it look it up for your self history attests to the bible as true and The writings of Moses is far older than anything they have ever found thats right Moses wrote the first parts in the bible 3,500 years ago The scriptures weren't inspired by Pagan stories Pagan stories was inspired by actual events just like those in the bible because if you notice that a lot of the stories found in the bible have a lot to do about people worshipping false Gods.
There is another story about a man who had given way to a chronic disability, and for years had nursed a grievance which excused him from doing anything about it» (Someone else always gets in before me!»).
Amazing we never hear anything about these types of stories.
The way this story is written is akin to writing a story «about» Football that mentions the tail gate parties, the various jersey colors, etc but wouldn't say anything about the BASICS of the actual sport itself.
The story of only two people being created can hardly tell us anything about how society would have progressed and what sort of diversity might have developed if there had been no «fall of man» to interfere.
Really Media, the only people that believe in proxy baptisms are mormons, the rest of the world doesn't and that it will not effect anything in the live after... so how really cares about this story... it is just a bunch of anti-Romney (Mormons) trying to get it so that the rest of the US do not vote for Romney.
Think of the ancient Greeks or Egyptians, how about the Norsk and Myans, we study them but don't believe them to be anything but myths and stories.
Moral of the story: Republicans haven't learned anything about distancing themselves from the far right fringe of their base.
I can sort of understand believing in a First Cause / Prime Mover / Ultimate Energy type of thing (Theism), but to believe in any of the man - made stories about what this being demands, wants, needs or promises, if anything, is simply not my default position.
I tried to make it clear that I hadn't made the story up, but I don't recall if I said anything about recognizing ourselves to be sinners, or bragging, or looking down on anybody.
No where, even on the full story, do I see anything about «Oh he claimed to be christian blah blah blah».
No Christian ever said anything about «magic» that is your explanation for 1) something that you do not understand and 2) a children's story that you extrapolate to being the religion (a big miss - conception by many people).
how does fair, unbiased CNN, AKA ACNN (Anderson Cooper News Network) pick and choose stories as noteworthy... a comment is made by a very elderly priest, probably not quoted properly, and is «front page news» on CNN's website... this same man (priest) has written many great books, done a lot of great charity work in the poorer parts of New York and nothing is ever posted on the website... but something is said incorrectly and its published... is this fair, is it right, is it unbiased or is the motivation to make an entire Church lokk bad and let the anti-Catholic screwballs have their heyday in hateful posts... I didn't see this wonderful netwrok post anything about the disgusting, bigoted and hateful attacks, written by the liberal left wing media elites, like Maureen Dowd, against Rep. Paul Ryan and his Catholic faith... it's all acceptable to you liberal HYPOCRITES!
We like to think that if we don't have a record of Jesus» teachings on a matter, he must not have said anything about it, but we forget that Jesus healed, blessed, taught, and shared meals with people whose names we will never know, whose stories will never be immortalized in stained glass.
The way you supporters of the nation's community organizer are whining and name calling about a minor side story concerning one woman's faith and views says more about you than anything else.
«I don't limit myself to religious events or anything like that, but my job I feel is to tell my story, and whoever invites me to do that and is willing to support me and basically give me a platform, I love talking about this stuff.
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