Sentences with phrase «anything against the truth»

Not exact matches

We need not fear anything demonic, but we should acknowledge it's presence and pray against it, if it's in our churches and build people up in truth and love.
I hope against hope that CNN goes down - you cowards will not report Libya and seek the truth but print this garbage and anything to do with a muslim president you call progressive christian.
Proof is in abundance of natural truths yet your head turns and your eyes close and you deafen anything that is against what you believe.
This does not make God responsible for evil, for God never wills or wants anything that is against goodness, justice, truth, and beauty.
What I do believe is that we need to really know Jesus to know God — Although text meaning can change Jesus who is the word of God — His personality doesn't change...... so when you read behind the text and see the personality of Jesus — you get to know Him for who He is and then I can test anything the bible or text say against His character for truth!
The expression may seem paradoxical: dictatorship means that there is a top - down imposition, while relativism implies the denial of absolutes and reacts against anything it considers as «top - down», such as truth, revelation, reality, morality.
If anything you and your ilk are bigots against the Truth, which you want to pervert, for your own agenda!
Statement is baffling and is in fact the very thing that guys like cap and others are fighting against the truth is Colin didn't orignaly kneel during the anthem he sat on his bench he was then approached by vets who asked why he was sitting and asked him to do something else because sitting was disprectful it was those army vets who told cap to kneel because it shows your fighting against something and not just sitting to sit they told him it would be a better look and it's funny how people turn around and say he is disrespecting the very people who told him what to do and how to do it to get his message across this is the ignorance of America and everything cap fights against you judge a man by the color of his skin and his upbringing and not the content of his character you don't know anything about cap yet you pull this entire story out your ass go sit down clown
I've been fascinated by the uproar, although truth be told I've missed anything related to being against a nursing photo, it's all been about what she is wearing and what the baby isn't.
Haters of truth and sentimentalists will call for Oshekomes head, byt will foolishly turn blind eyes to the fact that he have outlaid a child who depends on the father or relative being the invigilator to pass exams will always fail the exam on the day his father or relation is not in the exams hall, that is the case of the EFCC and the FGN, they relied on the judiciary to help them rubbish their opposition or faces they do not like, and have always lost cases because their candidates in the judiciary were not assigned their cases and that is the same head of EFCC Magu that the president keep nominating for confirmation, even when reports indicted him, this recent looses have to confirm to doubting Thomas that Magu is just the best because he can do the dirty work for the APC and Buhari, not because he is the best in corruption fight, I wish there is a listening and discerning government in place back there in Nigeria, they would have known that there is a vacuum as far as EFCC is concerned and use the time to shop for a head that will deliver, it also confirms the fact that the «So called fight against corruption» Is a BIG lie and propaganda, just a wipe to flog opposition into their line, shame on the clapping members and the O yes members who will never hear any criticisms concerning Buhari or anything he does good or bad, bitter or sweet dem go swallow like that shaaaaa.
Loosely (extremely loosely), the media is hugely left - wing (leaving aside the point I agree with that left / right is a highly imprecise and largely meaningful term); and therefore anything the media says about the right - including calling Nazism «right» - is aimed not at some universal truth but at scoring political points against their opponents.
It's true that, in my experience, holocaust deniers occupy a similar mental space to some climate «sceptics», in which anything that might be taken as evidence against their beliefs is seen as part of a grand and far - reaching conspiracy to suppress the «truth».
But the ABC's Ministry of Truth, is not so much concerned about «the prominent coverage» given to Steven Cooper's study, Graham Lloyd's «crime» against the Party was to have published anything about the study at all.
In today's world you can get insurance against virtually anything, even though the truth is some of those policies are unnecessary.
Wayne Besen is the Founding Executive Director of Truth Wins Out, the Center Against Religious Extremism ( and author of «Anything But Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth» (Routledge, 2003) and «Bashing Back: Wayne Besen on People, Politics, and Culture.»
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