Sentences with phrase «anything akin»

Don't expect anything akin to an Xbox One or PS4, but the titles can be a suitable distraction when nothing in the video catalog appeals.
You may have noted that the 5 - item list above does not include a reference to anything akin to an ILP or an ABS - type structure.
Furthermore, I do not intend to advocate anything akin to an automatic claim for damages under this heading in every case of dismissal.
Does anybody out there knows of a anything akin to an international credit report for a French...
She never gets around to one, not to anything akin to authorizing in the case of charters or «protective services» or audits in the case of private schools that may be committing educational abuse or financial fraud.
Even so, the costumes still look like costumes, the sets like sets, and the many accents sound inauthentic, to the point where The Mummy gives the vibe of people playing dress up and making a movie based on what they think a North African treasure hunt must be like based on old movies rather than in trying to represent anything akin to reality.
While she would never consider a potential film franchise shouldering a reported $ 40 million budget and a frightfully ardent fan base as anything akin to her art, Taylor - Johnson does manage to use her eye for the slow burn, honed in work like her 2004 video portrait of the soccer star David Beckham sleeping, to great erotic effect.
Although there are some fantastic creatures encountered, people shouldn't expect anything akin to the Ray Harryhausen style of animation like the Sinbad movies of the past for this modern adventure.
I think they can be unreasonable, sure, but not anything akin to racism in my mind.
The city of Concepción at the foot of the Andes offered a terrible scene: «The ruins were so scattered and the whole scene had so little of anything akin to a habitable place, that it was barely possible to still imagine the earlier state.»
And it appeared that Bolori knew the force well enough to be certain that walking into the Defense Headquarters hours after being declared wanted was not anything akin to walking into the Lion's den.
Teenage Napoli midfielder Amadou Diawara is much closer in style to the kind of defensive midfielders Mourinho has favoured throughout his career than anything akin to a Michael Carrick-esque regista, although that isn't to downplay his technical gifts.
They've never stated anything akin to limiting the rights of religious individuals, and in fact have stated exactly the opposite.

Not exact matches

Delivering something more akin to a typical Southern drawl, Kitsch came off as underwhelming more than anything, thanks in part to the seriousness he brought to the role.
In the end, Rogen's take on Reid felt far more akin to his past roles than anything that could hold a flame to the defender of Gotham.
«Anything less than the complete implementation of the fiduciary rule would be akin to sending individual investors into those rough seas without a life jacket.»
It's akin to single cell creations knowing anything about us.
And even scientists such as Vilenkin who co-authored the paper that suggests that this universe being past infinite is unlikely reveals that many assumptions were made (akin to working in a sterile environment), and that their theorem didn't suggest anything beyond the space - time boundary; didn't rule out multi-verse and other theories under consideration.
The way this story is written is akin to writing a story «about» Football that mentions the tail gate parties, the various jersey colors, etc but wouldn't say anything about the BASICS of the actual sport itself.
It is unfortunate that there are some academic bioethicists who approach Catholic moral theology as if it were a discipline akin to tax law, where anything not yet expressly forbidden in magisterial documents may still be allowed.
It should be said that such a notion is akin to the theory of Marcion rather than to anything to be found either in the New Testament itself or in the writings of Christian theologians.
For a Dutchman, playing anything that doesn't look like a 4 -3-3 is an act of sedition akin to finding tulips a little tedious.
Wares» intoxicating use of a continually rotating stage, akin to an airport baggage carousel, is mesmerising for its seamless flow as much as anything else.
But when cells undergo stress — anything from heat to starvation or infection — proteins and ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules can clump into stress granules, which are free of enclosing membranes and often form small globs akin to hair gel suspended in a tub of water.
But by the age of 80 - 90 days, untreated USH3 mice in the study couldn't hear 100 decibels — akin to standing next to a running snowmobile or in a busy woodshop and not hearing anything.
Lumbering, sullen and anything but horrific, Maggie's bizarre use of zombies as the centerpiece of a family drama is akin to having The Terminator anchor a romantic comedy.
Shot in South Africa, the narrative occasionally recalls Luc Besson's Leon and Tarantino's Kill Bill double feature, but ultimately feels more akin to such weekly rental VHS staples as Avenging Angel and I Spit on Your Grave than anything worthwhile in its own right.
A midlife crisis disaster more akin to Billy Madison in search of a second childhood than anything evocative of The Big Chill.
Showing up to King of the Hammers in anything but a four - wheel drive vehicle is akin to wearing white at a funeral, so my ride for this adventure was a 2016 Toyota Tundra 4x4.
He's been meditating, of late, on the question of whether there's anything a manager today might do that would reliably protect his investors in the case of a market crisis akin to 2008.
This all comes together to create a sound more akin to swing or big band than anything else.
In fact, it's way more akin to something along the lines of being a sexed - up Splatoon (which is a really weird phrase, now that I think about it) than anything else.
Looking akin to the kids horror book More Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark, it's extremely effective in praying off primal fears of the dark, while looking wholly unlike anything else you've seen in a video game.
It's all very fast - paced and full of flair, with the combat feeling more akin to the likes of Bandai Namco's «Tales of» series than anything else — especially with the whole «attack to refill mana» approach.
Following their patron saint, Helen Frankenthaler, Louis and Noland aimed to fuse pigment and canvas so that the picture became an uninterrupted, wholly two - dimensional surface, more akin to dyed fabric than anything.
If you go the path of (2), your dissertation will likely be more akin to a novel aggregation of previous claims than anything truly useful or deeply tested.
So if you're considering hanging out a shingle, partnering up with a friend, or joining a law firm where there will be a sales expectation, i.e., that you will immediately or eventually bring in clients, consider this question: when you think about what it takes to do well in sales, do you see yourself as similar to supersaleman Zig Ziglar, or more akin to loveable slacker Lloyd Dobler in Say Anything?
As I was merely an employee of AutoAdmit, leaving me in the suit would have been akin to suing a Google employee for anything found on a web page hosted by that company — even if Google was not responsible for the content.
Although, in spite of boasting a similar material, the general design of the unit is very different to that of the Google Home line with Lyra Voice adopting more of elongated form — again more akin to a smart speaker than anything else.
The future of Bitcoin is anything but certain, and making Bitcoin price predictions for 2018 is akin to trying to discern the weather three months from now.
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