Sentences with phrase «anything as an insert»

Experiment with types of inserts, or add extras for night - time use.You can use anything as an insert (including prefolds, or even towels if you run out of inserts!)
You can use anything as an insert (including pre-folds, or even towels if you run out of inserts!)

Not exact matches

And a gap is an absence, not evidence of anything, and certainly not an invitation to insert unreasonable claims as if they were equivalent to truth.
As for hearing sounds of a deceased dog... not sure how that ties into anything thats being discussed at the moment (dogs, by the way are generally agreed by most believers that they don't have souls so...) but hearing something like that is still explainable without having to insert a «spritual realm» answer to explain it.
This clip appears as an insert into not just this but a number of other threads — none of which have anything to do with your video's topic.
It comes with an optional infant insert for use with newborn babies, and you can use this carrier with children as small as 7 pounds without having to buy anything extra.
Anything with mesh inserts as well is always a good choice!
I'm sure anything can be acclimated to with a lot of time behind the wheel, but I had to spend many moments throughout my weekend trying multiple buttons to find «the one» for even the simplest functions, such as changing the station (avoid inserting blonde joke here).
Good day Dr. my name is Jeandre our Jackrussel sadly passed away today her name was Ruby, the symptoms started yesterday, (the day before yesterday she was still playfull) when we arrived from work we saw that she look very off and took her to the vet right away, the vet said to us it looks like a problem in the abdominal area, he gave her a couple of shots and said we can take her home for observation and if nothing changes we must come back, when we arrived at home she did not whant to eat anything and was very drowsy we tired to give het a small piece of steak but was not interested at all, she took a small walk and pooped, her poop was like dark black, grey and slobby, we also saw a square piece in the stool and did not think much of it as she also eats dog food pellets, the smell was very bad, she also vommited like a clear watery substance i think two times, we too her back to the vet this moring and the vet inserted a tempreture pen from behind, while it was her he felt and squeezed in the abdominal area then pen ejected like she pooped (because of the squeez) red blood was present.
From trading the sweet spoils of the night as a child to dressing up as a sexy [insert anything here] in college, Halloween has always been a holiday favorite.
My husband looked at the bench when I first set it here said to me, «That looks nice Honey, but I'm not sure if anyone will every sit there» (insert laughing emoji face) AS IF THAT HAD ANYTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH IT!!!! He cracks me up!
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