Sentences with phrase «anything close to original»

We can not trust that we have anything close to the original stories.
Having time to think is precious to me and it's also incredibly important if you want to achieve anything close to original thought.

Not exact matches

The Revised English Bible of 1989 is, if anything, more literary than the NRSV, and a truly excellent version; but it is less close in its - renderings to the originals and a bit, well, British — as it should be.
To be honest, I wasn't sure I would be able to rescue this bag; certainly, I knew there was no chance I could restore it to its original condition, or anything closTo be honest, I wasn't sure I would be able to rescue this bag; certainly, I knew there was no chance I could restore it to its original condition, or anything closto rescue this bag; certainly, I knew there was no chance I could restore it to its original condition, or anything closto its original condition, or anything close.
CLOSING THOUGHTS White Fang 2 is an utter disappointment of a sequel to the far more enjoyable original (anything would be).
It's through selfish subjectivity that I welcomed a chance to play something, anything original on the platform before the year drew to a close, but Murasaki Baby fills the gap nicely.
However, when the movie plays so close to the original text, always rushing to the next grand musical number, it doesn't give itself enough time to quite give Emma Watson anything else to do but be that love interest.
Let's take a closer look (using my original Sirius post for reference) & see if there's anything to learn here:
They're not anything close to the best contemporary standards, but certainly much better than the original or the Wii re-release in 2009.
The Triagulum story is as close as you can get to a full - blown sequel to the original, without really bringing anything new to it in terms of gameplay.
When a channel factory is closed, instead of broadcasting its balance to the Bitcoin (or Litecoin) blockchain, there is the option to open «child» payment channels between the members of the original channel without broadcasting anything to the blockchain.
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