Sentences with phrase «anything memorable»

A game that doesn't really do anything memorable.
The dark story was a good, but it wasn't well presented or played and there really wasn't anything memorable about this game.
Don't expect anything great here; expect a disappointing effort because Bullet just doesn't deliver anything memorable.
Since your email will most likely not include anything memorable, you need to make sure the information on your profile is game tight.
There's no hook, no gimmick, no gripping scenes or indeed anything memorable.
No problem if you don't, since neither of these did anything memorable.
Full disclosure, this review was written about five days after the screening and there isn't anything memorable to elaborate on other than what has already been stated.
However, if we're going to do anything memorable in the next few years, it does look like Rosicky has a valuable role to play.
Her performance in Broken Embraces wasn't that good, her character was far from being likeable and I don't see anything memorable from that film.
Using conventional corporate buzzwords and describing your business plainly might give a logical and accurate description of your company, but won't leave behind anything memorable.
The reintroduction of the campaign in the new SOCOM doesn't manage to offer anything memorable - save for the inclusion of the Korean female character - along with the disappointing absence of the co-op option.
Despite a clever concept and an excellent cast, The Negotiator never becomes anything memorable.
Certainly, the Duff sisters don't seek to do anything memorable with their lead roles, but at least they weren't repeating the same sounds for a barrage of secondary characters the way the remainder of the stock voice cast is.
By now it may be a little hard to differentiate between what makes anything memorable between each game; the stage pieces aren't exactly astounding (or there in some cases) and gameplay innovation is not something to be expected.
The vast number of items and unlockables are certainly deserving of praise, but the gameplay shows nothing more than a lack of identity and fails to bring anything memorable to the table.
Third - party developers failed to create anything memorable for the Wii while Nintendo continued to pedal their same old wares of Mario, Zelda, Metroid and the likes.
With nothing really new to add, Rainbow Studios published a game that is fun, but can't really deliver anything memorable.
For fans of the actors, or period pieces, the movie is worth checking out, but remember, don't believe everything that you see, and don't expect to see anything memorable.
Perhaps she was left out of the canon because she never again did anything memorable, perhaps because her «special» relationship with Jesus would have made her a target for attack by those who wished to discredit his work.
Unfortunately, the graphics fail to impress, the story isn't anything memorable, banging buttons is as effective as making use of the combos, and what should have been an epic quest can be completed by a novice gamer in around eight hours, with not much reason for replay.
You may talk about your hobbies, where you're from, and anything memorable and fun.
Wheatley and co-screenwriter Amy Jump fail to provide interesting personalities or quirks or anything memorable to enliven these tough - talking bad - shooting bad guys.
Mulan is a film that tries to outdo other films in Disney's catalogue, but it never delivers anything memorable to really outshine previous films in the studios catalogue.
For problems: The fight scenes are either too dark or anything memorable.
His more recent stabs at comedy and dramedy (Waterboy and Spanglish although the later could be considered more a James Brooks movie) failed to really show me anything memorable.
In the end, Warriors: Legends of Troy is a game that doesn't really do anything memorable.
The soundtrack isn't anything memorable, but it gets the job done, not counting some uncomfortable moments where music tracks seem to overlap.
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