Sentences with phrase «anything revolutionary»

To be honest, there isn't anything revolutionary about the hardware.
No the game doesn't do anything revolutionary, but it is an extremely fun fast paced title that is definitely worth picking up.
Just don't expect anything revolutionary about this title.
I don't know that there is anything revolutionary in this study.
It doesn't bring anything revolutionary to the table, but we can't find anything wrong with it.
He would be the first to agree that his views do not add anything revolutionary to what may already be found in theological manuals.
Honestly guys, I'm not really sharing anything revolutionary here.
It's not anything revolutionary at this point, but as long as the developers can continually deliver engaging gameplay it really doesn't have to be.
On the surface, there doesn't appear to be anything revolutionary about these changes.
There isn't anything revolutionary here, but the online does enough to make it a worthwhile adventure to go into.
Look at some of the most successful startups — they aren't anything revolutionary — they just solve a very simple problem.
Gameplay While the game does not offer anything revolutionary in the gameplay department it is a solid arcade shooter featuring competent enemy AI, different shooting abilities and RPG - like leveling up system.
But if they «ve taken a lot of knocks recently for more evolution than revolution, are you looking for anything revolutionary from Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) in the near term?
Certainly nobody should expect anything revolutionary about Drop Dead Gorgeous, but I expected a little more than I got.
While I didn't notice anything revolutionary for Far Cry 4, Sony announced that anyone who buys the game for PS4 or PS3 will be able to invite their PSN friends to play even if that friend doesn't own the game.
Sure, maybe I synthesized it, summarized it, or said it in a way that was new or creative, but wasn't actually making or teaching anything revolutionary.
Diggs didn't do anything revolutionary on the game - winning play.
Fusion Garage has not demonstrated anything revolutionary or innovative that I've seen.
Jones, who's built a reputation for embracing fan culture on a level most actors wouldn't even dare, doesn't see anything revolutionary about his level of online interaction, which spreads from Twitter to Tumblr.
Headlander is pulling from a lot of familiar, well - worn places and it's not necessarily promising anything revolutionary in its gameplay, but there's a level of aesthetic commitment in this game I was dialed into.
Don't expect earth shattering gameplay or anything revolutionary cutscene to cutscene, but for those looking for another stroll in Shepard's boots, it's worth the price of admission.
The Last of Us didn't offer anything revolutionary gameplay-wise, but gameplay isn't why it's considered one of the best titles of its generation.
Overall, WipEout 2048 is a good game like it always has been, but you won't find anything revolutionary about this title.
Like the Play Sets it doesn't offer anything revolutionary per se, but its partial reliance on the Play Sets for a complete suite of building materials, items and characters to populate custom built worlds is both its blessing and its curse.
Previously rumored, picture - in - picture is now a thing of reality on Android O, although other OEMs did have a similar feature in the past, such as Samsung, so it isn't anything revolutionary by any measure.
Return to Ostagar doesn't add anything revolutionary to the Dragon Age experience.
«Apple is not doing anything revolutionary here — a number of Samsung devices already support the Qi standard.
(a) Things are looking up, however incrementally: «I did not notice anything revolutionary.
The game isn't anything revolutionary in terms of the on foot action, but it is surprisingly at times more entertaining than the car sequences, something that the series has been known for since the beginning of the series.
Assassin's Creed Origins: The Hidden Ones is probably exactly like you expect — it offers more of everything you liked about the base game, but it won't surprise you or offer anything revolutionary (that will apparently come with the next DLC, The Curse of the Pharaohs, in March).
Granted, there isn't anything revolutionary about a simple three bean salad, but sometimes it's good to revisit those old classic recipes from our grandparents» generation.
i'm not going to overhype this in my mind or anything, KZ2 isn't anything revolutionary in the world of FPSs, the shooting is just like COD4 if you ask me, it's just very polished with some nice new features that will spice up gameplay.
Unlike analyst Carmi Levy, the ad community isn't convinced the Post is doing anything revolutionary.
I know that there are many, many «energy bite» recipes out there and that this one isn't anything revolutionary, but after many experiments in different flavor / ingredient combos, this is the one that I have come to know and love and it makes me happy to share it with you today.
Like there's anything revolutionary about that.
The 2015 revision of the Charger doesn't bring anything revolutionary to the table, but the new design language is slick and very aggre...
All in all the Silk web browser isn't anything revolutionary, but it does work fairly well, and I do prefer it to the regular stock Android web browser.
Version 6.3 doesn't add anything revolutionary, but it includes several neat extras, including a toolbar for sharing notes and passages from within books, as well as «Book Extras,» which adds the written equivalent of DVD special features like character biographies or a glossary to books.
With the yet - to - be-announced BlackBerry A10, the company isn't doing anything revolutionary, or even playing catch up with the rest of the world.
A major redesign was done last year when Samsung made the switch from plastic to a metal and glass design, so the Galaxy S7 Edge is more an evolutionary design rather than anything revolutionary.
The service actually isn't anything revolutionary.
As the second game in a series that is only two years old, I just don't feel like it has to do anything revolutionary... it polishes up everything from the original very nicely, provides new stages and equipment, and balances the gameplay in a way that makes it more enjoyable.
Frontier Defense isn't anything revolutionary, but it's certainly fun and gives players a different type of experience than the traditional player versus player modes.
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