Sentences with phrase «anywhere near a phone»

Some may think that a stylus shouldn't be anywhere near a phone or a tablet, but Samsung is trying to prove them wrong with the Galaxy Note.

Not exact matches

We go on barefoot hikes all the time... we use an EMF meter to make sure there are no electrical fields around our bed... we turn off the wifi (actually don't have wifi but you do, so turn it off at night)... put your phone in airplane mode and make sure that there are no electronics (nor lights) anywhere near you.
It's all on the page in terms of dialogue, but the deer scene, for instance, or the scene on the phone near the end, were the moments where I felt she's allowed to be more emotional than anywhere else in the film.
The phone is not anywhere near the official launch, but according to the rumours, Galaxy S2 will probably make its way in the stores sometime in May.
In my opinion If they sell anywhere near 10 million phones they will post a losing quarter.
You can get away with plugging them into a phone, but that won't bring you anywhere near maxing out their potential.
This is a big phone, but not anywhere near as unwieldy as some of its predecessors.
The phone isn't ugly, but the materials here just don't feel like they belong anywhere near a flagship phone in 2014.
There are a lot of smartphones out there, and Taiwanese manufacturer HTC makes some of the best, even if it doesn't sell anywhere near as many phones as the market leaders.
For Sony's part, its does a decent job of explaining the difference between total storage and available storage in its M4 Aqua whitepaper, however the main product listing for the phone isn't anywhere near as clear:
Suddenly, you no longer have to take a specific action to begin charging your phone, and just having it anywhere near your desk automatically charges it.
But Google Assistant is being used on potentially billions of Android phones, while, until now Amazon's Alexa hasn't had anywhere near the same kind of reach (in terms of people with direct access to Alexa).
It's very unlikely that the phone does anywhere near to what Samsung or Apple flagships do, but it certainly marks the beginning of something great and we hope to see the device in our hands pretty soon.
At # 699 ($ 1,080 USD) this isn't anywhere near the cheapest phone on the market, and in fact that would make it only less expensive than the largest most expensive iPhone, the iPhone 6 Plus 128 GB.
Nothing in the software is downright horrible or a deal breaker for me, but none of it feels ideal, efficient or anywhere near the best software experience you can get out there on a phone today.
Sure, you still have the issue of compatibility with only select Samsung phones to deal with, and the strap - mounted camera isn't anywhere near as graceful as the Gear 2's design, but when we're talking about a mere $ 100, this offer might be too good to pass up.
Ultimately, you'll struggle to find an upper - mid-range Android phone anywhere near as well built or as stylish as this, but for a little bit more money you can treat yourself to a truly high - end device.
Those patents didn't turn out to be anywhere near as valuable as either Google or Motorola thought, but to Osterloh the real issue is that Google simply didn't know what its goals were with Motorola, which had lots of different businesses besides phones.
With Samsung's Galaxy Note 8 arriving in stores soon, here's an important reminder: Face Unlock isn't anywhere near as good at securing your phone as a fingerprint.
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