Sentences with phrase «anywhere near food»

You might be thinking, why would you put an old pallet anywhere near food preparation, but fear not, by the time this shelf got any where near the sink, it had been stripped of any and all layers of it's not so clean past.
Not to mention, if you're standing anywhere near her food dish, she will also do her best to trip you.
NH4OH is a toxic substance, its presence should not be anywhere near our food.

Not exact matches

I didn't eat anywhere near as much food as I should have and my choices were either super rigid — with lots of bland, steamed food or I made unhealthy choices such as junk food, takeaway and deep - fried food.
Nutrition is so important at this early age and unfortunately, the convenient jars and squeeze packs of baby food on grocery store shelves don't have anywhere near the nutrients of fresh steamed vegetables and meats made at home.
Fructose also doesn't satisfy your appetite anywhere near as much, which makes you eat more food, potentially acne - causing junk food, and get obese.
A «vice food» is a food that you know is definitely going to fuck up your diet if it's anywhere near you.
1) Remember that bone broth is NOT one of those foods that you can grab off the grocery store shelf and expect it to have anywhere near the same health benefits of real bone broth.
Very few people can go to anywhere near the lengths I have gone over the last 48 years to learn about & find real foods.
It would be great to only have to eat 3 times daily, however huge amounts of food are required to build mass, even eating one thousand calories per meal 3 times a day isn't anywhere near enough.
You aren't consuming enough Pedialyte to be anywhere near a harmful concentration of food dyes or sucralose (and I would be happy to prove this to you through scientific analysis if you wish).
The Japanese in Japan, who typically must live in a room with only one - seventh of the living space that Americans occupy at home, have learned to eat foods that don't cause anywhere near as much flatulence as Dr. Greger's recommendations.
I could not get anywhere near him, but he would wait at the bottom of the stairs, while I prepared his food.
Get ready for her to drink and urinate like crazy the first 2 - 3 weeks on this food but that's part of why it works so well - then after the first couple weeks, their body seems to adjust to the food and they don't go anywhere near as often.
I have 2 Cats, and neither would go anywhere near it when I put it in wet food for them.
Corn is tough for anyone to digest, and if it is on a pet food label it should not be anywhere near the first ingredient like it is on so many major brands.
«They can be placed anywhere in a store to garner attention but we always suggest the food section and of course a counter near a register,» Supanich added.
Availability is also a critical issue for many dog parents: The very best food won't do your puppy much good if you can't find anywhere near you to buy it.
My new favorite restaurant, Clandestina is not to be missed by food lovers staying anywhere near to Montezuma.
Lounge access does make my trip more pleasurable because of the free wifi, free food, free alcohol, and occasional extras like showers, but I don't value lounge access anywhere near its retail price.
Our food chain can so easily be disrupted, as this example of eggs contaminated with a pesticide not approved to be anywhere near a chicken proves
If you live anywhere near a Chipotle, you've probably been seduced by their fast food.
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