Sentences with phrase «anywhere near the human»

They should be shot if they come anywhere near human habitation.

Not exact matches

Look, no human being has anywhere near the capacity to make the great decisions, as great collective decision - making.
It was 1994 and apparently no humans had been anywhere near the Chauvet cave for thousands of years.
I wonder how many human lifetimes will pass before we know anywhere near everything of his creation.
What he opposes most stridently in this book is not religious doubt itself or attempts to understand religion as a human construct or a biological phenomenon, but rather what he sees as a very artificial and incomplete view of human nature and its purpose: the very presumption that religion can be explained away as unnecessary and that such materialistic perspectives could be definitive or anywhere near ultimately satisfactory for beings who are obviously designed to crave so much more than mere birth, death, and extinction.
Never anywhere has any doctrine on earth brought God and man so near together as has Christianity; neither could anyone else do it, only God Himself can, every human invention remains after all a dream, an uncertain imagination.
A tiny South Pacific island 5000 kilometres from the nearest human occupation has the highest density of washed - up plastic rubbish anywhere in the world.
As for the human factor, I believe authors of ebooks with mainstream houses will suffer because they wonâ $ ™ t be paid anywhere near the 70 % in royalties they would receive from Amazon and 65 % from B&N.
They should not sleep on the bed or in the bedroom or anywhere near where the humans sleep if a bungalow or flat or upstairs if there is one.
Note: it's very important to allow time for the insecticide to dry before allowing pets / humans to go anywhere near the area.
On top of that, employing physical methods such as squeezing the puppy's muzzle or alpha rolling the puppy will only teach him that humans can not be trusted and human hands are bad, and as such, should not be anywhere near him.
The good news here is that neither snakes» nor lizards» bites are anywhere near as bad as bites from humans.
However, once you're through that mission, everything seems to slow down... The main scenario is pretty good, and you'll definitely enjoy it, but when it comes down to side missions, I found myself doing them for two reasons; to earn extra Praxis Kits and because I like to make sure I've done everything in an area before I leave it... That sense of wanting to know more, to learn what secrets lay behind these missions, just wasn't anywhere near as powerful as it was in Human Revolution... On top of that, to me at least, the main scenario seemed to wrap itself up rather quickly...
The human generated aerosols that have been selectively eliminated — CFCs — don't have climate sensitivities anywhere near the order of 3 - 5C.
This can't all be due to CO2 since the emissions data from the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) show that human - emitted CO2 wasn't rising anywhere near as fast then as during 1970 - 2000.
Don't get me wrong, I don't buy into the AGW alarmist story that we are anywhere near a tipping point or even that human CO2 and land use activities are responsible for most of the warming we have experienced in the past 150 years.
Its not everyone piling onto the global WARMING bandwagon before we can see that any human warming is anywhere near strong enough to overide the far greater threat of the white death holocaust.
Currently, only one species is anywhere near sophisticated enough to defend the Earth and its biosphere from future collisions; Humans.
I still believe that CO2 levels are rising largely due to human activities and that they contribute to net mean warming, though not anywhere near the amount estimated by the official climate Team, and far less than natural processes not under human control.
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