Sentences with phrase «anywhere on the chain»

The ball can be placed anywhere and the clip still works, given you can put it anywhere on the chain.
You can set the clasp anywhere on the chain to make this necklace as long or as short as you want, which is amazing!

Not exact matches

And you want to be minimizing and repairing the holes in your gut to make sure that you don't end up with a broken - chain situation, which would be an autoimmune disease, which could manifest anywhere depending on your genetic makeup.
Depending on growing conditions, anywhere from 55 - 72 % of coconut fat consists of medium - chain triglycerides (MCTs).
Instead, he meets Rosie Jarman, a beautiful bartender who chain smokes and never seems to arrive anywhere on time.
(1) extending negligent misrepresentation beyond «business transactions» to product liability, unprecedented in Texas; (2) ignoring multiple US Supreme Court decisions that express and implied preemption operate independently (as discussed here) to dismiss implied preemption with nothing more than a cite to the Medtronic v. Lohr express preemption decision; (3) inventing some sort of state - law tort to second - guess the defendant following one FDA marketing approach (§ 510k clearance) over another (pre-market approval), unprecedented anywhere; (4) holding that the learned intermediary rule does not apply whenever a defendant «compensates» or «incentivizes» physicians to use its products, absent any Texas state or appellate authority; (5) imposing strict liability on an entity not in the product's chain of sale, contrary to Texas statute (§ 82.001 (2)-RRB-; (6) creating a claim for «tortious interference» with the physician - patient relationship, again utterly unprecedented; (7) creating «vicarious» breach of fiduciary duty for engaging doctors to serve as expert witnesses in mass tort litigation also involving their patients, ditto; and (8) construing a consulting agreement with a physician as «commercial bribery» to avoid the Texas cap on punitive damages, jaw - droppingly unprecedented.
The proponents of on - chain scaling wanted that developers of Bitcoin Core (the most popular reference implementation of bitcoin) increase the block size limit anywhere from 2 MB to 8 MB so that more transactions can be added into a block which could help lower down the fees and confirmation times.
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