Sentences with phrase «apartment after repairs»

Even if you could, you risk not being able to return to your apartment after repairs are made if you set up a home somewhere else.

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Resident Manager — Often times apartment owners and property managers will trade free - rent in exchange for a tenant to look after the place, collect rent, do maintenance repairs, and essentially «manage» from within the complex.
Peter Randall, a resident of West 94th Street, said his apartment is often left in worse condition after workers make repairs to his apartment.
The residents of 510 W. 218th St. were allowed to return home on Christmas Eve after the their landlord Hakim Azizi made repairs to eight of 13 apartments that needed new windows, doors and locks, according to Martin Collins, community liaison for City Councilman Robert Jackson.
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You don't want to have to pay for weeks in a hotel while your apartment is being repaired after a loss like a fire.
If you have the perfect apartment, and need to get renters insurance (loss of use coverage alone is worth it — after a covered loss, that pays for you to stay somewhere else while repairs are being made or while you're moving), just call (800) 892-4308 or click to get covered - whether you need San Francisco renters insurance quotes online or coverage anywhere else!
Since renters insurance pays for loss of use and covers your hotel stay while those repairs are being made, you stand a better chance of keeping your apartment — and your current rent payment — after repairs are made.
Your mortgage lender and your co-op or condo by - laws will likely require that you have your own insurance on top of the master policy because your ability to repair your apartment after a disaster protects the value of the unit.
You also have coverage for someplace to stay while your apartment is being repaired, because often after a fire the entire building is unusable for a period of time while structural integrity is inspected and repairs are made.
Could you afford that for weeks while repairs are being made to your apartment after a fire that your neighbor caused?
Or, if your apartment in St. Clair Shores (in metro Detroit) sustained damage after a lightning strike, it's good to know that your television can be repaired under your renters policy.
Your mortgage lender and your co-op or condo by - laws will likely require that you have your own insurance on top of the master policy because your ability to repair your apartment after a disaster protects the value of the unit.
Could you afford that for weeks while repairs are being made to your apartment after a fire that your neighbor caused?
For example, if you have to move out of your home while it is being repaired or rebuilt after a covered accident, loss of use insurance would cover the cost of a hotel or temporary apartment.
For example, if the apartment will be in a repairing state for a few weeks after damages occur, this is the time when you may need to live in a hotel with high daily costs for being there.
Landlord insurance not only protects your Virginia rental property by covering repairs needed after natural disasters or break - ins, but finding the right policy can also protect investors from litigation, which can result from incidents at the house, townhome, condo or apartment building you own.
This money is then used to repair any damage that you may cause to the apartment while you live there or is returned to you after you move out.
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