Sentences with phrase «apathetic god»

45 The «apathetic» God «fulfills the ideal of one who is physically beyond the reach of external influences and psychologically anaesthetized — like things that are dead... This apathetic God became the God of the Christians, although he was a contradiction to the biblical God, with his emotions and suffering.»
2 of Suffering (1975), on «The Christians» Apathetic God
Why give praise to a negligent, apathetic god?

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I could claim God's nature is always changing and that God's nature is apathetic or malevolent with the same degree of support.
Couldn't we also say the opposite (being apathetic) also does nothing to make us nearer or farther from God?
With this step from unconsciousness to consciousness, from apathetic hopelessness regarding ones fate to faith in the liberating God of the poor, the quality of poverty also changes because one's relationship to it changes.21
You have yet to directly respond to the specific points I've made at least three times now, i.e.: 1) the immutable good nature argument is simply unsupported definitional fiat (god can be equally described as malevolent or apathetic with equal support); 2) the immutable good nature argument presents a source of morality beyond god's direct control placing the argument in the god says so because it is good prong of the dilemma; and 3) the argument suggests god is not omnipotent because god is constrained to only a limited set of potential behaviors.
I understand the argument is straightforward, but it is: 1) based in definitional fiat (there is equally valid evidence to suggest that god is malevolent or simply apathetic); 2) actually embraces the god says so because it is good prong of the dilemma; and 3) attempts to constrain god by limiting god's possible range of choice.
It is not the Stoics» doctrine of God itself so much as the ethic of stoicism imposed upon the divine that has been utilized: to be utterly tranquil, unaffected by external exigencies, nonattached, disinterested — in short, apathetic (apatheia).
We are realists, we will do our best, but the People of God number many weak, apathetic, confused and carnal members.
God is not desperate to take anyone into the Kingdom even if they are defiant, disrespectful, or even apathetic.
If God is beyond change, then it is not possible for God to be affected by what is other than God, wherefore God can be said to be «apathetic
Indeed, Hartshorne's catalogue of ills that afflict those who have lost faith in nature and God as friends is a frightful list: «men are likely to grow bitter, or depressed and fearful, or genially cynical and selfish, or mad with megalomaniac ambition, or slavishly worshipful of power or wealth — or just dull and apathetic and unimaginative, like a number of agnostics I have known.
After a long period of backsliding, I realized my heart had become very hard and apathetic toward God, and for weeks or months (it's been a while, not sure of the timeline) I prayed for Him to change that for me.
Moreover, a God who is intimately involved in the world, responsive to its joys and its suffering, can never be apathetic to the injustices in the world.
A God who is not apathetic is a God who suffers in love.
I would add an S, for spiritually detached, i.e. neglecting church, running from God or just apathetic to spiritual things.
That God «feels» our becoming in the depths of intensity denotes a God who is the very opposite of apathetic.
With this step from unconsciousness to consciousness, from apathetic hopelessness regarding one's fate to faith in the liberating God of the poor, the quality of poverty also changes because one's relationship to it changes.21
Having just returned from World War II, Colonel Frank Capra, one of Hollywood's foremost directors, was alarmed by the increasingly apathetic attitudes toward God, freedom, and democracy that he witnessed in films and books.
But he reserves his sharpest invective for us on earth: «Your gods are apathetic, self - involved pricks... Mount Olympus relocated to Zurich... By all means, keep up your fascination with the facade of democracy but when you need some pragmatic leadership you know who to pray to.»
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