Sentences with phrase «aphrodisiac because»

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The new discovery suggests that other creatures, including some that have been difficult to study in the lab because they fail to mate, may need a little bacterial aphrodisiac to get it on.
Oysters are considered a natural aphrodisiac and one of the main reasons for this is because they help to increase testosterone levels, which play a role in libido and sexual health and function.
Chocolate is usually associated with sex because of it is a natural aphrodisiac.
First let's assess the aphrodisiac effects that people have noticed with Maca, because they are undoubtedly real.
Only ranks high in this list because hundred - dollar bills are a straight - up aphrodisiac in america.
Surely, killing an animal because a part of them supposedly has «aphrodisiac» qualities is unsupportable in a world awash with Viagra and Cialis.
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