Sentences with phrase «apocalyptic thinking»

While these are the longest and most explicit examples of apocalyptic thinking, there are many shorter examples.
Maybe I'm just getting old, but I have apocalyptic thoughts all the time about the business, and what's going to happen.
And millennial thinking and 9/11 — as well as global warming — made us all think apocalyptic thoughts.
We leave to one side, for this review, extended reflections on the relationship of apocalyptic thinking to modern liberal theology generally, but it is an issue worthy of some attention.
He focuses almost exclusively upon Darbyite prermillennialism, which might be called the main trunk of apocalyptic thinking in modern America.
The amazing thing about apocalyptic thought is that a specific prophecy can be disconfirmed, but the idea can never be discredited.
Activists, academics and religious believers disagree about how such apocalyptic thinking may affect Christian support for Israel.
In this great parable of the last judgment there is a striking combination of apocalyptic thought with the prophetic.
Thus, it is not surprising to find apocalyptic thinking decreasingly adequate for modern life.
Boethius... thx for yr reply... I don't think it's that simple to say that» they got that from reading ancient documents incorrectly»... the specifically Christian apocalyptic thinking that has survived in various theologies, whether traditionally Catholic or the most horrific end time sect appears to have it's roots in both the old and new testaments, but that begs a question.What are those documents?
Thomas Paine's assertion in Common Sense that «we have it in our power to begin the world over again» represents secularized apocalyptic thought in the form of a revolutionary overthrow of monarchy, which was demonized as anti-Christ.
Apocalyptic thought provokes resistance, because it fuses an alternative vision of history's telos with warfare and final judgment, all within the context of a prophetic claim to have removed the veil that keeps humans from truly perceiving the world.
These twin emphases of apocalyptic thought remain present in Protestantism.
There is no doubt that apocalyptic thought nourished ideas of revolution in both evangelical and secular circles in the late 1700s.
Apocalyptic thinking funnels secondary time, as it were, into the crucible of each person's «crisis of finitude.»
This ontological disjunction makes apocalyptic thinking an anthropological constant: time is always coming to an end for each individual, after which the world will be no more.
Apocalyptic thought implies an epoch, a period of time, before the triumph.
Apocalyptic thinking runs at least back to Egyptian mythology and right up to Heaven's Gate and Y2K mania.
It is probably unwise to lapse into apocalyptic think, especially in view of the scientific uncertainty and long - time scales, but ostrich - like denial is also imprudent since a lot is at stake, from the wealth of nations to the future of the planet.
THIS, faithless, is the nature of so much belief: «The amazing thing about apocalyptic thought is that a specific prophecy can be disconfirmed, but the idea can never be discredited.
This is a subject or self - consciousness which becomes deeply reborn in early modernity, thence being renewed in a uniquely modern apocalyptic thinking, only to be absolutely negated in Nietzsche's apocalyptic dissolution of the «I,» an «I» which he could know as the creation of ressentiment.
There is the same type of apocalyptic thinking and the same seizing of the high moral ground.
That approach was found in apocalyptic thought, then commonly despised; further in a reassessment of the terminology related to «revelation» and of its history; and finally in an integration of all that with the problems of the philosophy of history.
He examines the way that apocalyptic thinking has structured popular attitudes toward nuclear war, Israel, Russia, American foreign policy, the growth of government, and whatever was regarded at the moment as the Antichrist.
Apocalyptic thought is native to Christianity.
If the reader keeps in mind these two references: to the coming crisis in Jesus» own ministry and to the persecution of the church in Matthew and Luke's time; and if he further understands that apocalyptic thinking about the future of the world is a perennial temptation in time of political or cultural despair (science fiction today is a sort of secular apocalyptic), these passages will speak movingly of the power of God even in the darkest days.
In the August issue of Bible Review magazine, Witherington noted the popular appeal that apocalyptic literature has in unsettling times, «Unfortunately, not all apocalyptic thinking is good apocalyptic thinking, and this is especially true of the so - called dispensational theology that informs these novels,» Witherington wrote.
A deep question to be asked of modern apocalyptic thought is its relationship to ancient apocalypticism, and more particularly its relation to the apocalypticism of primitive Christianity and the New Testament.
So that if a pure enactment of the death of God occurs throughout all of the full expressions of a uniquely modern apocalyptic thinking, does this movement fully and finally distinguish ancient and modern apocalypticism?
Surely apocalyptic thinking and apocalyptic vision have been ultimately subversive and heretical throughout their history, and if modern apocalyptic thinking is totally subversive and heretical, it may well be an authentic renewal of a seemingly invisible or hidden apocalyptic tradition.
It also could have made sense to some strict monotheists, to people who had been brought up in the synagogue circles of the diaspora and were acquainted with the apocalyptic thought of the time.
Thus, in the circles of some diaspora synagogues and apocalyptic thought, the name of God was set upon God's messengers.
Brueggemann agrees in part with von Rad that wisdom tradition was a major source of apocalyptic thinking.
Mainline Christian denominations have distanced themselves from millenarian and apocalyptic thought, finding its presence in the New Testament something of an embarrassment.
There was an outbreak of apocalyptic thought and activity in the late second century, led by the prophet Montanus and his women supporters Prisca and Maximilla.
[3] Closely related, it is also possible that he also began to suspect that apocalyptic thought had some validity, a suspicion that process thought was designed to overcome, for apocalyptic thought held to a dualism — although civilizations shall be shattered and the earth shall fall to pieces and life shall come to an end, another, truer, more real reality remains.
Start with: a base of early»70s technological / apocalyptic thought.
The fast pace of synthetic biology may alarm some and lead to apocalyptic thoughts.
His fearless and intellectually bracing work points to the connectivity of all points in the universe and is a welcome respite from popular culture's relentless consumerism and the siren calls of apocalyptic thinking.
Have a listen to his answer and other observations, including his description of reporting on the «apocalyptic thinking» that has been a near constant through two centuries of population analysis and — so far — has not been borne out.
The surreal image of deer browsing in a forest of piping brings up apocalyptic thoughts such as those explored by Alan Weisman.
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