Sentences with word «apocalypticism»

It must be admitted at once that there is a strong element of apocalypticism in the Gospels, with anticipation of the Parousia in Acts, in Paul's letters and in Revelation.
He devotes more than a hundred densely footnoted pages to a learned discussion of apocalypticism in the Hebrew and Christian traditions from the second century B.C. through the mid 20th century.
By equating religious beliefs with political platforms, Jerry Falwell and others have moved from apocalypticism to politics.
There are guardians of orthodoxy in Judaism, Christianity and Islam who know all forms of apocalypticism as assaults both upon revelation and upon the majesty and sovereignty of the absoluteness of God.
But if a uniquely modern apocalypticism is inseparable from the death of God, a death of God which it can know as apocalypse itself, could this be the first purely conceptual realization of the Kingdom of God?
I was talking to these churchmen about apocalyptic and I did this liberal arts, comparative, secular review of the Book of Daniel, the Book of the Apocalypse, and he was wrong and these people and Montanus, they were wrong, on and on and on and on; four days of listening to these wrong prophecies that described the history of Christian apocalypticism.
The thought expressed here is adverse to those who claim apocalypticism as the real creator of the new Testament's ethic.
The Left Behind books undeniably tap into a deep well of «underlying apocalypticism,» especially if by that we mean the natural human desire to have certainty and assurance in a world that is filled with chaos and sin.
The big story in contemporary apocalypticism, I told myself, is not UFOs and creepy - crawlies from Inner Earth, but John Darby's dispensationalism.
In When Time Shall Be No More: Prophecy Belief in Modern American Culture, Paul Boyer, a senior historian at the University of Wisconsin, and one of the best in the business, seeks to address the world of secularized academics and journalists who can scarcely imagine, let alone appreciate, the breadth and depth of popular apocalypticism in contemporary America.
I remember those late»60s - early»70s days when dispensationalist apocalypticism was a big thing and the charismatic movement was also under full swing.
Apocalypticism puts evangelicals in control of history and lets them sound as if they know the mind of God.
Though apocalypticism had been around for millennia, it is worth noting that Darbyism, the peculiarly rigid and florid form that arose in the late 19th century, accompanied the growth of Darwinism, biblical higher criticism, and the dawning awareness of world religions.
Nowhere in modernity is apocalypticism more open and manifest than it is in our great political revolutions, and if these begin with the English Revolution, this was our most apocalyptic revolution until the French Revolution, a revolution which innumerable thinkers at that time, and above all Hegel himself, could know as the ending of an old world and the inauguration of a truly new and universal world.
Finally, much current apocalypticism is drawn from the book of Revelation.
Although Schweitzer's case for Jesus» obsessive apocalypticism was overdrawn, we are nevertheless left with an awareness that Jesus must remain historically alien to us.
The shift from a prophecy to apocalypticism gave an important stimulus toward views of divine determinism.
Western apocalypticism, she argues, projects all evil onto one group, and hails death and destruction as the harbinger of the kingdom of God.
It should be welcomed for its positive teaching and as a corrective to the sundry apocalypticisms to which Christians, including Catholics, in this country are prone.
With The Birth of a Nation, Nate Parker strains to control the strange and stirring complications of his subject's visionary apocalypticism.
Hell was a part of an apocalyptic schema that also included language about literal demons, an imminent supernatural end to the cosmos, etc.; modern scientifically oriented individuals can not be expected to interpret Jewish apocalypticism by reviving medieval pictures of hell.
Hence, the movement from apocalypticism to the Gnostic rejection of law was more abrupt than that from Stoicism.
Indeed, this is the greatest challenge which Christianity has ever faced, as witness modern apocalypticism's ultimate enactment of the death of God, and one also occurring in the radically Catholic thinking of Leahy, even if it knows the death of God as the apocalyptic resurrection of God.
If only through this perspective, we can know that the deepest movement of orthodox Christian thinking is a backward movement of return, a return to an absolutely primordial Godhead, a movement which is inevitably the reversal of an absolutely forward apocalyptic movement, so that the very victory of ancient Christian orthodoxy was inevitably the reversal of an original Christian apocalypticism.
Furthermore, whatever our aesthetic and theological misgivings about the Left Behind phenomenon, we do the Christian community no favors by failing to take an honest and sympathetic look at the underlying apocalypticism to which such novels respond.
When nothing happened on May 21, Camping was left with a choice, said DiTommaso, whose book, «The Architecture of Apocalypticism,» is scheduled for publication next spring.
Certainly, it is helpful to realize that Jesus did not intend his words to be taken literally, and the demythologizing insights of biblical criticism save us from an attempt to repristenate the apocalypticism of the first century in a forlorn attempt to be faithful to Jesus» words.
But «corporate personality,» demonology, Messiahship, apocalypticism, the Logos - doctrine, and many other mental categories in the Bible are not modern.
The incarnate Lord lived at a particular time and place in history, and in his apocalypticism Jesus was apparently a man of his time.
Yet he himself did not make the repetition of that rite, or John's apocalypticism, the focus of what he himself was up to.
Despite the world - denying emphasis of apocalypticism, Jewish apocalypticism never rejected the Torah.
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