Sentences with phrase «apologists such»

Union apologists such as Diane Ravitch suggest that this $ 700 million political budget merely offsets the wealth deployed by «corporate - style reformers» to achieve change.
«Diabolic mimicry» the early apologists such as Justin Martyr called it (plagiarism by anticipation).
Even the early Christian apologists such as Justin Martyr could not hold onto a claim without the help of the devil when they claimed that he was able to perform plagiarism in reverse time order in attempts to confuse the faithful.
In sum, although a few apologists such as Stephanie Coontz still insist otherwise, just about everyone else in possession of the evidence acknowledges that the sexual revolution has weakened family ties, and that family ties (the presence of a biologically related mother and father in the home) have turned out to be important indicators of child well - being — and more, that the broken home is not just a problem for individuals but also for society.

Not exact matches

I can imagine such an apologist saying, «Therefore, what you listen to in ignorance, this I proclaim to you» (riffing on Acts 17: 23, transformed into St. Paul's address at Carnegie Hall).
Such accusations were presented by the Roman Critic Celsus (citing Jewish traditions) in the 2nd century AD and of course, denied by Christian Apologists.
Its apologists, such as Browning, respond that it is precisely the perversity» even flirting with disease and death in pursuit of erotic «magic»» that is the charm of the thing.
If we listen to rcc apologists (such as CatholicMom), they'd like us to believe that the current and previous pope - a-dopes had pedophile priests under control.
You find this with many Christian apologists who claim to have been an atheist earlier in life, such as C.S. Lewis and Lee Strobel.
Similarly, apologists who would defend such abhorrent depictions of deity behaviors as justifiable deserve the disdain of any reasonable person who accepts empathy as the principal component of any viable moral framework.
Much of the value of this dialogue for process philosophers lies in following along precisely the sorts of things that Hausman and I said, for these are the sorts of things nearly all process philosophers say about Bergson, even those such as Hausman and I, who are very sympathetic to Bergson and try to study him closely (although admittedly, Hausman is really more a Peircean and I am more a Whiteheadian, and Gunter is really Bergson's true apologist).
I like to think that those apologists who endorse the view of god as an indiscriminate killer of children and infants will be judged for their lack of compassion and their embrace of such defamatory stories.
This is historically inaccurate, demeaning to this provocative and orthodox way of relating to God, and it plays right into the hands of the homosexual apologists who want to carnalize such daring spiritual language.
The «apologist,» on the other hand, knows that institutions can not be based on such a principle and that simple justice must instead be the motive.
Why connect the dots when you can continue to confuse apologists and never report the possible motive for such acts that occur almost on a daily basis around the world?
But as many «culturist» critics of science note, this belief is belied by the fact that apologists for science tend to defend their position by passionate appeals to the universality and immutability of the «laws of nature» that science progressively and objectively discovers: laws that it would be absurd to view as socially constructed.3 Such an objection, however, fails to take note of the fact that, as Whitehead puts it, «Nature is patient of interpretation in terms of Laws which happen to interest us» (AI 136).
Last week, students in Wisconsin and Michigan stepped up to such an opportunity when CFACT Campus, the student arm of a well - known cabal of fossil fuel apologists, hosted climate change denier Willie Soon at several campus events around the country.
I listened to MacBreak Weekly today and Andy Ihnatko, usually such an IOS apologist, couldn't say enough good things about the Nexus.
Fittingly, my comments section for the aforementioned post was visited by one such apologist who shared his thoughts and personal rationalization for the acceptance of pay - to - win.
Given what the world's leading climate scientists have been telling us for some time now, George Bush and his apologists will not have even such a threadbare excuse as that.
He's certainly a right wing apologist, but this needn't be structured by such painful twisting of facts.
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