Sentences with phrase «apostate as a heretic»

But Bukherst was as much an apostate as a heretic.

Not exact matches

I thought of myself as an apostate, but heretic is easier to pronounce!
They're called heretics (apostate is a word that comes to mind as well).
From the Protestant Reformation onwards, Roman Catholics saw themselves as the guardians of the only genuine form of Christianity, and they judged Protestants to be heretics and apostates.
At this point the Anthony's of the world will write me off as an apostate heretic who is bound for hell.
It gives me a visual of sitting down low in the first pew as fishon is preaching from the KJV, pounding on the podium as he raises one hand high and calls down fire on all the heretics and apostates.
But I am putting you down as an apostate, not a heretic.
In one comment, I suggested posting on a pro-AGW website something about how the global temperature hasn't followed the models — as an exercise in experiencing the wrath that the faithful bestow on apostates and heretics.
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