Sentences with phrase «apostolic faith»

The phrase "apostolic faith" refers to the beliefs and teachings of the apostles, who were the close followers of Jesus Christ. It represents the original teachings and practices of the early Christian church as passed down by the apostles. Full definition
The Catholic Church left apostolic faith and the message of the gospel behind long ago in favor of its own authority.
First, all of us in the church are bound together by this foundation of apostolic faith.
Urshan also equated the apostolic faith with Assyrian Christianity to the point of defending Nestorius and claiming that the western church went astray with its language of person.
It's not so much that I've dismantled the deep mysterious myths and stories of the virgin birth, the resurrection, the one baptism for forgiveness of sins, the existence of one holy, catholic and apostolic faith.
Mark takes for granted the apostolic faith; for he writes as a Christian, a believer, not as an outsider or critic — not even as an historian or biographer.
The bishops were concrete signs that the apostolic faith had been preserved not in arcane and secret teachings but in persons who were known and identified.
In the conflict with Gnosticism in the early Church, bishops set forth theological arguments in defense of the apostolic faith, they appealed to Scripture, and they cited the words of the «rule of faith.»
That flow of conviction about God's self - disclosure in the Bible is surely the main claim of the apostolic faith, a claim upon which the church fundamentally agrees.
Recognizing the claim of biblical authority is not difficult as it pertains to the main affirmations of apostolic faith.
Thus, while it would be «episcopal» in the sense of joining together those from every participating body who represented the reality and continuity of apostolic faith, ministry and sacraments in that body, the council should include representatives of all participating ministries: presbyteral, diaconal and lay.
The only kind of resurrection known to the apostolic faith was «the resurrection of the flesh».
Vatican II did indeed speak of a «hierarchy of truths» within the one Catholic and apostolic faith.
His historical study had convinced him that the most faithful bearer of the apostolic faith was the great tradition of thought and practice as expounded by the orthodox Church Fathers.»
If we are to re-evangelise the modern world, and in the process answer the false or flawed theologies which have arisen to plague us in the last thirty years, we must be able to offer something deeper and more fulfilling, but completely true to the apostolic faith.
In consequence, we can now see that what we have in the New Testament is what I have called throughout this book «the witness of apostolic faith», while the Old Testament has its particular Christian significance in giving us the background of the event of Jesus Christ in the religious faith, worship, and teaching about God's will and way in the world as these were set forth in the Jewish scriptures which then became part of the Christian Bible.
We should not reduce the often complex theological, moral, and political judgments of church leaders to narrow ideological terms, for to do so implies that they are deliberately perverting the apostolic faith to serve political ends.
One thinks, for example, of the work of Faith and Order in producing the Lima document on baptism, eucharist, and ministry, or of the more recent common articulation of the apostolic faith as it is summarized in the Nicene Creed.
The hierarchical minister fulfills also a representative function representing the unity of apostolic faith to the people of his church and, at the same time, representing his people to the other churches.
Part of the theological task is to reconstruct this development in search of the apostolic faith and practice which was «handed over» to the next generation.
God was restoring New Testament experiences of the Holy Spirit — or, as devotees of the movement put it, restoring the apostolic faith.
Late in the fifteenth or early in the sixteenth century it began to be claimed that Moscow was the third Rome, the guardian of the apostolic faith.
The primitive impulses were fueled by the movement's attempts to restore «apostolic faith,» while the pragmatic stance helped the movement's adherents navigate the thickets of the modern world in which they lived.
No other symbol is so widely used or recognized among Christians as a statement of the apostolic faith.
Some argue that the «father» language only implies that the second person is generated from the first, and that generative function is all the apostolic faith was expressing in using the word «father.»
Many others would agree on the second point, arguing that confession of the apostolic faith means much more than confessing the creed — whether that «more» involves sacramental unity or acting on behalf of justice.
Thus the apostolic faith — if not the Nicene Creed — may be expressed adequately without any gender - specific references to God.
The inescapable task of the church is to find the historical means of witnessing to the living truth of the apostolic faith.
What the fathers of Constantinople did with the words of Nicea in fidelity to the faith of Nicea could in principle be done with the words of the «Nicene Creed» while remaining faithful to the apostolic faith.
The study presupposes that the apostolic faith can be expressed in many ways, and that the various Christian communities portray these in their own worship, witness and theologies.
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