Sentences with phrase «apparent absence»

You might want to address the implications ofthe apparent absence of a copyright notice.
Crook KI, Perkins SL and Greiner EC: Apparent absence of Parahaemoproteus lophortyx in north Florida populations of Bobwhite Quail (Colinus virgianus).
A key feature of this view is the apparent absence of any felt need to articulate a «policy» on this new race problem.
It revealed God's presence as an apparent absence.
Panvitalism, according to Hans Jonas, was the common view.20 Where there was an apparent absence of vitality, as in a corpse, there was a tendency to deny the reality of any dead matter and to look upon death itself as an illusion.
His apparent absence is particularly hard to assess, for as many mystics have shown, the movement into an ever deeper relationship with Jesus leads from a comforting sense of a palpable presence through the dark night of the senses and the dark night of the soul, in which the subject of our human longing and love seems to recede even as we approach.
Faced with the apparent absence of a functioning new economic paradigm, parties have been looking increasingly to the possibilities presented by economic democracy.
us) and the apparent absence of several former officers.
The old right, many of whose standard bearers are employed by the Daily Telegraph, has been snorting for months about the leader's apparent absence of an agenda.
The bridge traffic caper is its own species of crazy; what distinguishes the charges against the two Skeloses is the apparent absence of a survival instinct.
Primed, irradiated helper T cells then induce B - cell growth and differentiation in the apparent absence of dendritic cells.
The apparent absence of quakes in the stuck patch led many seismologists to assume that the fault there could be slowly but steadily slipping without building up any strain.
The apparent absence of lakes in Greenland had previously been explained by the fact that steeper ice surface in Greenland leads to any water below the ice being «squeezed out» to the margin.
The most likely explanation for these findings, together with the apparent absence of the gene in plants and other kingdoms, is that some ancient bacteria acquired the gene from a primitive animal (metazoan) host and then shared it with other bacteria, Budd and colleagues say.
«Antimatter continues to intrigue physicists because of its apparent absence in the observable Universe.
u «Antimatter continues to intrigue physicists because of its apparent absence in the observable Universe.
Chandra's x-ray vision detects the presence of an unexpectedly large number of these exotic star systems within 47 Tucanae, but it also indicates the apparent absence of a large central black hole.
Such «selection effects» could in theory account for the apparent school impacts on test scores, or even the apparent absence of impacts on fluid cognitive skills.
The apparent absence of educational triage in one state does not invalidate documented accounts of the practice in particular schools, nor encroach upon other arguments to modify NCLB's proficiency - based school rating system.
Nonetheless, after the release of our study, some analysts objected to the apparent absence of controls for family background characteristics.
What do you think of the apparent absence of online mode for the game?
(The apparent absence of a previous record holder also helps.)
Characterised, regularly, by an apparent absence of reason, conventional logic and / or narrative, her moving image works play games based on semantic and semiotic theory.
Each photograph is a record of an apparent absence: an absence of subject, an absence of meaning.
It is this very ordinariness that yields a striking poignancy, and the apparent absence of the artist's hand foregrounds the sheer dynamism of his subjects.
These constructed situations are captivating in their absurdity: there is a tension between the air of purpose Wood and Harrison bring to each gesture and the apparent absence of any purpose to these activities.
She was concerned about the apparent absence of information about climate change in college textbooks.
The situation is more favorable in Rhode Island, where the apparent absence of Koch - funded interference may have been a key factor in attracting the wind developer Deepwater Wind to the state.
The much more appropriate simultaneous equation approach used in this new report is notable by its apparent absence (to my knowledge) in alarmist climate «science» despite the contribution it could and must make if climate science is to have any validity.
Some stakeholders and commentators have raised concerns about an apparent absence of government records relating to controversial government decisions, which tends to decrease the effectiveness of access to information legislation.
The report states that keywords such as «bitcoin», «cryptocurrency», and «ICO» appear to predominantly elicit journalistic content when searched on popular Chinese platforms Baidu and Weibo, whilst yielding an apparent absence of sponsored content.
Ultimately, in the apparent absence of honesty, the decision lays with you the graduate as to whether you should boycott the NSS.
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