Sentences with phrase «apparent delay»

Their fiddly nature and apparent delay in engaging the chosen gear spoil what is otherwise a sublime driveline.
Yet BBB's small member list and apparent delays make it an unlikely solution to the full problem of online safety.
In the New Testament this motif is most prominent in the writings of Luke, who was perhaps the most troubled by the apparent delay in the coming of the Kingdom and hence most concerned with the problems of ongoing life.
The apparent delays in the passage of the bill has widely been criticised by some anti-corruption crusaders who have pointed to lack of political will on the part of both the executive and parliament.
We asked a spokesperson from the agency if she could describe any changes to the contract and what accounted for the apparent delay; she said she would be in touch.
The apparent delay hurt RIM shares over the summer.
The live performance wasn't exactly 1:1 — no doubt, there's plenty of room for this kind of technology to grow, but it's hard to understate how bizarre it was to see the actress» twitchy eye movement, blinks, and general expressions show up on Senua with no apparent delay.
The finding of an apparent delay in the SFZ 2008 data corresponds with that data showing, as it does, a lower temperature rise in each of the later decades than does the CSF 2005 data, for any given climate sensitivity.
It looks like the Galaxy Note 7 is to blame for the apparent delay.
Perhaps more interesting is Microsoft's apparent delay of new features in Cortana.
Indeed, the feature appears to be quite snappy and responsive, with no apparent delay.
In the latest in a series of issues to hit the iPhone X, some users are complaining of an apparent delay in the display coming on during incoming calls.
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