Sentences with phrase «apparent role»

As stated by one group of physicians, «as the physician manually performs breech extraction of the body of a live fetus, excepting the head, she continues in the apparent role of an obstetrician delivering a child.»
That's a lot of dough for a limited player who had no apparent role on the team.
Moreover, excessive ingestion of elements that have no apparent role in health, (e.g. lead, mercury, PCBs, dioxins), may incur toxic and potentially lethal effects, depending on the dose.
«Since the [latest data] came from kids who had vaccines [largely] without thiomersal, this factor plays no apparent role in the increased rates of the disorder,» says Emanuel DiCicco - Bloom of the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in Piscataway, New Jersey, who was not involved in the study.
It ended up changing the limit Jan Veizer and I could impose (from Tx2 < 1 °C, to about 1 - 1.5 °C), but it did not invalidate the apparent role that cosmic rays appear to play on the multi-million year climate variability).
Another potential advance for women's health is underway in Padbury's COBRE for Perinatal Biology, where Surendra Sharma, professor (research) of pathology and laboratory medicine, and the research team have helped to identify an apparent role for clumps of misfolded proteins in the disease preeclampsia.
For example, epigenetic marks, the proteins and other molecules attached to DNA, are receiving more attention, especially for their apparent role in heredity.
But there's more — at the 1:36 mark, we see Cable's image on a banner, inside what appears to be a church dedicated to him and his apparent role in the end of the world — a church apparently burning at the hands (or mutant powers) ion Julian Dennison's still - unnamed character.
I dug in on everything from the risk that gasoline tanker trucks could be turned into weapons (there's renewed resonance to this story given the latest terror alerts) to the anthrax attacks and the apparent role of severe drought in contributing to the rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan.
And in the satellite case there is no visual support for a gradual increase or any apparent role for CO2 during the whole period.
A 52 - year - old Miami businessman has been given a 20 year prison sentence for his apparent role in a Medicare fraud scheme.
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