Sentences with phrase «apparently understood my point»

He apparently understood my point, and said nothing.

Not exact matches

Still, my impression is that fresh economic weakness could prove to be a tipping point, and that both investors and the public should understand that they are likely to pay terribly for the current abundance of apparently free lunches.
She had apparently got to the point where she honestly did not know that a child is the natural fruit of a union between a man and a woman: in her understanding «sex» is something done for pleasure, according to one's desires, whether lesbian or homosexual or whatever, and procreation an entirely different matter connected with options presented at various times, possibly involving in - vitro fertilization and test - tubes.
My point is that dala is quoting a Native while not believing in their gods or apparently understanding the damage that christians have caused to them.
I was earlier pointing out the FACT that this is not a bible blog, but apparently you are to dense to understand that and therefore not worthy of any more response time.
(That Jesus declared all foods clean — Mark 7:19 — is not so clear, particularly when one considers that the Jerusalem church apparently never understood this to be the case and that Peter only got the point much later.
Why indeed, as the geniuses at the fledgling network have obviously understood the point of The Hunger Games perfectly and are making a reality show based off of it, apparently unaware of the nightmarish irony into which they are pitting themselves.
Apparently, no one involved with the film — Branagh, the screenwriters, the producers — understood the point of these frames in the novel.
Apparently, understanding is not so much a destination as it is a point along a continuum.
The problem is auto maker executives have forgotten one key point along with the automotive task force that apparently never has understood: it is the dealers that own the dealerships.
That John apparently didn't understand that there was no judgmentalism in the offhand phrase demanded that I point out that it was meant as a joke.
He apparently doesn't understand the whole exercise was irrelevant from the start, since — as I have pointed out many times in the past — we have a plan in which all of our power comes from wind energy.
So apparently for Bobek, it does not matter whether statute limitations / prescription periods are in a given legal system of procedural (Italy, or Portugal as mentioned by Vania) or substantive nature, because as they operate, they are in any way covered by the broader understanding of the legality principle and must be respected as a matter of EU law itself (point 151 and seq.).
An agent would call for a copy of the report to be part of an Agreement of Purchase and Sale, but it would seem that the offer would need to be contingent upon review of the efficiency report (by a professional who specifically understands such) within a specific time frame, and apparently the buyer would be advised to adjust his accepted - by - the - Seller price point, based on the findings.
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