Sentences with phrase «appealing this idea of»

No matter how appealing the idea of urban agriculture may seem to outsiders, a laid - off Detroit autoworker probably has little interest in a return to subsistence farming.
So I am not sure a reunification of the left could actually achieve liberal aims, however appealing the idea of constructing an anti-Tory majority may be.
Like other countries, we now know through experience that the appealing idea of «green» wind energy is, in fact, expensive, environmentally disastrous, economically irresponsible and completely contradictory to its «green» intent.
For another example of how appealing this idea of disconnecting from work and the internet and reconnecting with friends, family or nature is right now, consider this:

Not exact matches

For a lot of brands, the idea of influencer marketing if very appealing — getting a celebrity to endorse your product, trying to see if their fans will come onboard as well.
In fact, there are many credible ideas that address voters» most significant concerns and appeal to a broad swath of Democrats, Republicans, and independents.
Maybe the idea of completely getting rid of your receipt printer doesn't appeal to you.
Still, trying to find product lines that will appeal to consumers is one of the biggest challenges facing edible insect producers, and several have turned to crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter to test the viability of their ideas.
After the holidays, budgets are tighter, consumers are exhausted and it can be hard to make the idea of shopping again appealing at all.
Craft your emails thoughtfully, and make the idea of coming back to shop with you again appealing by personalizing the experience.
Budgets are tighter, consumers are exhausted and it can be hard to make the idea of shopping again appealing at all.
The core - and - explore approach appeals to investors who want well - diversified portfolios that perform like the market but also like the idea of taking some risk.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Nolan says he was only aware of Styles thanks to his kids, but had no idea of the sort of global appeal the singer - whose about to embark on a solo tour across the world - had with pop music fans.
Startups based around a new idea sometimes get too sure of themselves, neglecting to keep a watch on the markets — competition isn't necessarily a bad thing, but you need to make sure you differentiate yourself in a way that makes your company seem like the more appealing service.
«Rand has always said that he wanted to be a leader on the message of the Republican Party, and that means talking about old ideas that were part of the party's original message, and introducing new ideas that might help the party broaden its appeal to groups that may have been left out of the conversation,» Doug Stafford, Paul's Senate chief of staff, told Business Insider.
The idea that people could take a simple, noninvasive test and have a better, if still imperfect, sense of their long - term risk for developing certain disorders had a natural appeal to Bergh.
The «Go West» campaign is banking on the idea that it can appeal directly to New Yorkers who are tired of the pace of that city.
It's a bit of a strange gambit for a treaty that has a six - month escape clause for any participant; while all parties currently seem reluctant to make any hasty decisions, the idea of tearing the bandage off over five excruciating years doesn't seem to hold much appeal either:
Separate from creating products that simply work, startups achieve virality and real success by catering to potential users of the product first through creating an appeal or purpose that people can align and relate to or an idea they believe in and will want to share with everyone in their circle of influence.
«We're trying to bring out products that appeal to a wide range of people who like the idea of the West,» he says.
Which is why the idea of a Kaplan - like uniform — a single outfit, bought in bulk, that looks good everyday — is so appealing.
The manufacturer's participation made the idea of sponsoring Baby Faire much more appealing to Stop & Shop.
Seven years ago the idea of appealing to people who were so unable to digest cow's milk that they couldn't eat their Wheaties didn't seem like a great way to generate buzz or business.
Humans have been telling tales for thousands of years, which is why it's a great idea for the flow of your demo to follow a narrative pattern, whether it's a live walkthrough of your product or via a slide deck using visually appealing templates from solutions like Slidebean.
A roster of candidates whose monetary policy ideas are known to the markets and appealing — or, at least, not repulsive — to Democrats and Republicans means the appointment could be swift.
Treasury chief George Osborne delivered the hard - line position during a speech in Edinburgh this month, gambling on the idea that the majority of Scots will dismiss the romantic appeal of independence and focus on more tangible economic issues.
It's up to you to decide which form of writing appeals most to you and works best with your existing routine, but whichever you choose, it's worth at least taking Kutcher's idea for a spin to see if it saves you from inbox slavery and gives you more control over your day.
Finding ways to calm nervous investors may seem like a good idea after the high emotion of the past two years, but the notion may lose its appeal once the market recovers and advisers revert to analyzing numbers, not people.
This idea of appealing to worldwide markets is one of the key contributions of a diverse work force.
This was strictly a curiosity purchase, the idea of owning something that was over a hundred years old was appealing, plus I couldn't go wrong with the price — winning bid was $ 2.00 — shipping cost me more.
Remote Year should be a pretty appealing idea to anyone with a serious case of wanderlust: Participants spend a whole year working abroad, moving to a different city and country each month.
The United States argues that these appeals compromise its sovereignty, while Canada has refused to entertain the idea of eliminating their ability to appeal decisions.
Whether you love the idea of Earnest's modern features or their in - depth approach to underwriting appeals to you, Earnest can be a great student loan refinancing option.
But in David's research, he shows that spending tends to dip, expenses tend to dip in kind of those middle retirement years where maybe the idea of heavy travel isn't super appealing.
A lot of creators have taken to crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and IndieGoGo to gain support and funding for games that have gone on to be hugely successful, and this is now a fairly viable route to go down if you are a private game developer with an idea people will find appealing.
«The idea of going paperless and having software where we could store everything was very appealing to us,» said Rashid Sigg, executive vice president of operations.
When your competitive research is complete, you should have plenty of new ideas about how to differentiate yourself, how to appeal to your target audience, and an appropriate balance of fitting into your industry standards.
If the idea of retiring to the Spring - like highlands, cosmopolitan cities, or beachside villages of Panama appeals to the free spirit within you, circle June 7 - 9 in your diary for International Living's Fast - Track Panama: Lifestyle & Opportunity Conference.
Like some of the other hosts I've mentioned in this list, Blumberg's transparency about his ideas, finances, missteps, roadblocks, and even personal conflicts makes his show relatable and appealing.
This idea also appealed to the imagination of William Van Horne, the railway's chief engineer and collector of Japanese porcelain, who dubbed the route «the new highway to the east».
The idea of leaving the world a better place has always appealed to me.
The idea of dealing with all those details — risking late fees and penalties for missed payments — in order to earn an extra percentage point of interest is not very appealing to most people.
The stock market is not the same thing as the economy, but this gives you an idea about how much room some of these markets may have to run in the years ahead if they can get their act together and make their equity markets more appealing to foreign or domestic investors.
If none of these sound appealing, maybe they'll spark an other idea.
His appeal to the dignity of humanity, the toleration of differing ideas, and emotivism finds a needed alternative in James Rogers» response from a Christianity that observes how sin perpetuates «the indignity of the human person.»
The moral appeal of the idea is clear.
From then on, jurists have appealed to the idea of a «living Constitution» to explain how the document retains relevance and authority despite the Supreme Court's having enslaved it to the changing desires of the electorate.
This view may be argued for in various ways: — first: by appeal to logical laws and metaphysical necessities; — second: by appeal to the existence and nature of God; — third: by appeal to causal determinism (Causal determinism is the idea that every event is necessitated by antecedent events and conditions together with the laws of nature)
So I think the idea that the [appeal to] conscience [can be used as a] kind of an escape hatch is really not what the church teaches.
At what point did the idea that all people are created in the image of God lose its currency and appeal?
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