Sentences with phrase «appear as a potential buyer»

This is determined long before you appear as a potential buyer.

Not exact matches

Other businesses, such as bed - and - breakfasts and bookstores, may have higher values because they appear glamorous or simply interesting to potential buyers.
As FHA continues to explore options for reducing risk while accommodating moderate income buyers and homeowners, it appears that cutting a large number of potential homeowners out of the housing market is not a sensible option.
Opportunities for a deal with another Somers portfolio holding might appear limited (though Bermuda Commercial Bank could perhaps approach Rasmala as a potential balance sheet transaction / expansion), so finding a buyer or initiating a formal sale seems a more likely bet.
84 DOS 99 Matter of DOS v. Woodland - failure to appear at hearing; jurisdiction; mortgage applications; failure to pay judgment; ex parte hearing may proceeding upon proof of proper service; DOS has jurisdiction over respondents for acts of misconduct which occurred during licensure even though the licenses expired on their own terms; DOS fails its burden of proof to establish broker failed to obtain signature on agency disclosure form; DOS fails its burden of proof to establish that a broker has an obligation to «pre-qualify» a potential purchaser; broker breached duty to deal honestly with the public when advised purchaser he would assist in obtaining financing and failed to do so; DOS fails its burden of proof that broker wrongfully failed to hold a $ 500.00 deposit in escrow as deposit was remitted to seller with the permission of buyer; failure to pay judgment without a showing that broker is unable to do so is a demonstration of untrustworthiness; no action to be taken for reapplication for broker's license until payment of $ 1,000.00 fine and proof of satisfaction of judgment
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